Gabrielle Abelard, Nursing Academy Annette Gadegbeku, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Sharon Lamberton, Nursing Academy Krista Salazar, Pharmacy Academy
Corrine Abraham, Nursing Academy Patrick Gallegos, Pharmacy Academy Joseph LaRochelle, Pharmacy Academy Brooke Salzman, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Anthony Adeniran, Nursing Academy Anne Gill, Nursing Academy Amber Littlefield, Nursing Academy Meghan Savage, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Mary Andrianopoulos, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Sarah Gordon, Pharmacy Academy Patricia MacCulloch, Nursing Academy Pamela Schnell, Optometry Academy
Patricia Andrich, Occupational Therapy Academy Lynn Greenspan, Optometry Academy Wendy Madigosky, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Aaron Sebach, Nursing Academy
Christine Arenson, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy  Carrie Hall, Nursing Academy Joyce Maglione, Nursing Academy Charles Shidlofsky, Optometry Academy
Cheryl Babin, Physical Therapy Academy Brooke Hallowell, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Lisa Marchand, Nursing Academy Michele Simler, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Irene Bean, Nursing Academy Alena Hampton, Psychology Academy Terri Marin, Nursing Academy C. Douglas Simmons, Occupational Therapy Academy
Lisa Black, Physical Therapy Academy Jennifer Harthan, Optometry Academy Randee Masciola, Nursing Academy Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow, Nursing Academy
Marie Bodack, Optometry Academy  Ardeshir Hashmi, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Martin Matney, Athletic Training Academy Jeffrey Sonsino, Optometry Academy
Renee Bogschutz, Speech-Language PathologyAcademy  William Hay, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Philip McCallion, Social Work Academy Maggie Sullivan, Nursing Academy
Nena Bonuel, Nursing Academy  Travis Hedwig, Social Work Academy Stephen McGhee, Nursing Academy LesLee Taylor, Athletic Training Academy
Kit Bredimus, Nursing Academy  Kelley Henderson, Athletic Training Academy Mark Merrick, Athletic Training Academy Kate Taylor, Nursing Academy
Jennifer Brello, Speech-Language Pathology Academy  Rodney Hicks, Nursing Academy Doug Miller, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Alice Teall, Nursing Academy
Robert (BC) Charles-Liscombe, Athletic Training Academy  Kasee Hildenbrand, Athletic Training Academy Rebecca Moote, Pharmacy Academy John Tegzes, Veterinary Medicine Academy
Melissa Chen, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Bari Hoffman, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Stephanie Morgan, Nursing Academy Lori Teller, Veterinary Medicine Academy
Tracy Christopherson, Respiratory Care Academy  Pam Holland, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Hope Morris, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Julie Tyler, Optometry Academy
Kimberly Clark, Respiratory Care Academy Julie Honaker, Audiology Academy Amy Moy, Optometry Academy Tamara Valovich McLeod, Athletic Training Academy
Nancy Colletti, Respiratory Care Academy Jacqueline Hoying, Nursing Academy Larry Munger, Athletic Training Academy Bonnie Van Lunen, Athletic Training Academy
Kelly Colwell, Respiratory Care Academy Aidyn Iachini, Social Work Academy Dawn Mutchko, Nursing Academy Jillian Wallen, Dentistry Academy
Linda Comer, Nursing Academy Christopher Ingersoll, Athletic Training Academy Christopher O'Brien, Athletic Training Academy Karlita L. Warren, Athletic Training Academy
Kelly Conway, Nursing Academy Lesly James, Occupational Therapy Academy Jamie Oliva, Nursing Academy Zachary Weber, Pharmacy Academy
Jeanne Copeland, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Erin Jenewein, Optometry Academy Kris Owen, Audiology Academy Susan Wenker, Physical Therapy Academy
Debra Copeland-Mahfouz, Pharmacy Academy Jennifer Jessen, Nursing Academy  Kimberly Peer, Athletic Training Academy Nancy White, Physical Therapy Academy
Jill Cunningham, Nursing Academy Rachel Johnson Krug, Athletic Training Academy Jeannette Pollatz, Nursing Academy April Wiechmann, Psychology Academy
Camilla Curren, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy Simi Joseph, Nursing Academy Julia Ponder, Veterinary Medicine Academy  Stephanie Williams, Audiology Academy
Elizabeth Deluliis, Occupational Therapy Academy Christy Kane, Respiratory Care Academy Cathy Poon, Pharmacy Academy Kathleen Wilson, Nursing Academy
Jeffrey DiGiovanni, Audiology Academy Denise Kay, Psychology Academy Vincent Ramos, Nursing Academy Nicole Winston, Pharmacy Academy
Cynthia Dougherty, Social Work Academy  Suzanne Keep, Nursing Academy Stacy Remke, Social Work Academy Kerry Witherall, Audiology Academy
Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo, Nursing Academy Arthur Ko, Nursing Academy William Robiner, Psychology Academy Allen Wong, Dentistry Academy
Caitlin Fitzgerald, Physical Therapy Academy Muriel Kramer, Social Work Academy Heidi Rogers, Nursing Academy Yu-Wei (Tony) Yang, Nursing Academy
Eric Fuchs, Athletic Training Academy  Joan Kreiger, Respiratory Care Academy Lisa Rohrig, Nursing Academy Jasmine Yumori, Optometry Academy
Nicholas Fusco, Pharmacy Academy Laura Kunkel, Athletic Training Academy Gina Rowe, Nursing Academy Jennifer Zolman, Optometry Academy
    Daniela Rutner, Optometry Academy  


Gabrielle P. Abelard, Nursing Academy
Dr. Gabrielle P Abelard is the CEO of Abelard Psychotherapy Inc., a multi-site clinic which provides behavioral health services in the home and outpatient setting. She is a Clinical Associate Professor, the Psychiatric Mental Health Specialty Director, at the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing. Abelard is the President Elect of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) New England and is the first Chair of the DEI Committee of the Massachusetts Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses Association. Dr. Abelard is the recipient of several awards: Massachusetts Nurses Association, Manning Mentoring Award 2022; APNA, Nancy Valentine Excellence in Leadership Award 2020; and Young Haitian Professional of the Year 2019, US Haitian Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Gabrielle Abelard is a dedicated mentor, published author, clinician, and educator with over 20 years of experience in mental health, who is committed to building resilience and improving health care outcomes both within and beyond nursing.

Corrine Abraham, Nursing Academy
Corrine Abraham, DNP, RN, is Associate Professor in nursing at Emory University with a dual appointment at the Atlanta VA. At VA she serves as Coordinator for Evidence Based Practice and site Director of the National VA Quality Scholars Fellowship Program serving as coach/mentor for interprofessional (IP) trainees and staff. There she co-created the Cognitive Disorders Specialty Care Education Center of Excellence focusing on inter-professional collaborative practice integrating IP learners. Her contributions at VA provide a framework for transforming interprofessional education, building capacity in quality improvement (QI) methods, and providing leadership in redesigning care delivery. At Emory she collaborates with Medical School colleagues designing curricula to build faculty and trainee competencies in QI and IP team collaboration. Through networking Corrine leverages resources and relationships to identify mutually beneficial opportunities for IP collaboration and learning. Corrine’s goal is to promote translation of evidence to enhance healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes

Anthony A. Adeniran, Nursing Academy
Dr. Anthony A. Adeniran is the Founder and CEO of Health1st-LLC. His passion for serving the vulnerable inspired him to launch Health1st in 2005. Fundamental drivers of his leadership are interprofessional collaboration, dedication to service, and clinical excellence. Appreciating the value of interprofessional work, he fostered interprofessional collaboration in leading Health1st to gain local, regional, and national recognition, including CMS’s five-star quality rating. As an advocate for expanding healthcare access, he worked with an interprofessional team to lobby Congress to preserve 13 billion dollars of Medicare reimbursements for homecare. Dr. Adeniran serves on various boards and committees. He is the founder and past chair of the Drexel-Hill Interprofessional Emergency Response Team (DIERT), launched to respond to the needs of the elderly and individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). DIERT was responsive to elderly and IDD populations during the Covid-19 pandemic. He has received many recognitions for his service and leadership.

Mary Andrianopoulos, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Mary Andrianopoulos, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. I am a professor in Communication Disorders at the 
UMass-Amherst. My research focuses on identifying the salient, confirmatory signs and symptoms, or diagnostic markers, that are most supportive and reliable for ruling-in/ruling-out behavioral and clinical symptomatology consistent with neurogenic communication disorders, such as Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) or acquired apraxia of speech in people with aphasia, dysarthria, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Downs syndrome. I am Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator on several federal grants and have developed a test protocol and screening battery to measure type and level of impairment affecting speech and language modalities using quantitative operational metrics. I am co-investigator/co-author of the test battery, Language Neutral Assessment of Motor Speech (LAMS). I have developed an interdisciplinary academic-clinical training program to educate Speech Language Pathology and related services graduate students through interprofessional practice and collaborations. I have several publications and have presented my research internationally.

Patricia Andrich, Occupational Therapy Academy
Patti is an internationally honored occupational therapist, vision therapist, researcher, lecturer, and author. She is known world-wide for her success in treating children and adults with sensorimotor processing disorders. Patti received her master’s degree from The Ohio State University College of Education and her occupational therapy degree from the Cleveland State University. Patti holds certifications in auditory processing, primitive reflex integration, vision therapy, occupational therapy, and neurofeedback. She serves on several advisory boards relating to vision and occupational therapy and is dedicated to working as an interdisciplinary team member with other professional experts who provide therapeutic services to individuals with neurological, physical, and cognitive impairments. Patti Andrich is the founder of the Neuro Sensorimotor Foundations Program, a therapeutic program to improve attention, emotional regulation, coordination, visual, auditory, and vestibular functions. Patti was named, Vision Therapist of the Year 2020, by the international organization, College of Optometrists in Vision Development.

Christine Areson, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Christine Arenson is Director of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, serving in leadership nexus with Founding Director Barbara Brandt. She leads the strategic direction of the National Center, cultivating partnerships to advance the center’s commitment to generating new knowledge advancing interprofessional practice and education, achieving outcomes that matter and health equity. She graduated from the University of Delaware, Jefferson Medical College and family medicine residency and geriatric fellowship training at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Previously, Dr. Arenson served as Alumni Professor and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University. She was the founding Director of the Jefferson Division of Geriatric Medicine and Palliative Care and founding Co-Director of the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. She served in leadership roles in Jefferson’s Primary Care and Population Health efforts, advancing primary care transformation to meet the Quadruple Aim.

Cheryl Babin, Physical Therapy Academy
Cheryl Babin PT, DHS, MHA, CAGS, is Associate Director of Clinical Education/Associate Professor for the School of Physical Therapy at MCPHS. She earned her Certificate in Physical Therapy, Master of Science in Health Care Administration, and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Health Professions Education from Simmons University. She earned her Doctor of Health Science degree from MCPHS. She’s presented at Collaborating Across Borders, NEXUS Summit 2020, and the Educational Leadership Conference on IPE. She has also published peer reviewed articles and chapters relating to IPE. Cheryl, a licensed PT for 40 years, is also an APTA national/state level member. She is a Board of Director for the National Interprofessional Education Consortium (NIPEC) of American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT). She is a founding leader of MCPHS’s Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, which is responsible for IPE curriculum for over 800 learners from 9 different health professions.

Irene Bean, Nursing Academy
I look forward to contributing my energy and interdisciplinary expertise to related NAP initiatives. My work is central to the Mission and Vision of NAP. Firstly, my expertise in advanced practice nursing and leadership is increasingly important and will add to the breadth and depth of the programs, policies, and products of NAP. Secondly, my advocacy in diverse audiences in nursing, public health, and psychological studies will broaden the NAP's interdisciplinary influence and overall policy reach. Thirdly, I will use my training in health policy and advocacy to drive policy and important decisions affecting the health of populations. As an inaugural Professional Member (PNAP) has an opportunity to be selected as a Distinguished Fellow, I will continuously lend my voice to initiatives engaged in health policy, cultural competence, and health equity. I share a passion with NAP for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusivity for marginalized and under-represented populations. 

Lisa Black, Physical Therapy Academy
Lisa Black, PT, DPT is Professor and former Director of Clinical Education at Creighton University. Dr. Black graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 1982 with her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. She obtained her transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2006 from Creighton. Dr. Black has background experience in management and practiced in a variety of settings. Her teaching responsibilities include Professional Formation and clinical education for the entry-level program and multiple topics for residency education. Dr. Black has scholarship in novice PT development, clinical education, clinical reasoning and competency-based assessment across professional and post-professional education. She has served in numerous roles locally, regionally and nationally for the physical therapy profession. Dr. Black’s current area of clinical practice is in an interprofessional pro bono clinic, serving as a clinician and clinical instructor for PT, OT and nurse practitioner students.

Marie Bodack, Optometry Academy 
Dr. Marie I. Bodack earned her B.S. in Psychology from Fairfield University and her O.D. from The State University of New York State College of Optometry (SUNY). She completed a residency in Pediatrics and Binocular Vision at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and a Diplomate and the immediate past Section Chair of its Binocular Vision, Perception and Pediatric Optometry Section. She is a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development and serves as President-Elect. Dr. Bodack has worked in private practice and held faculty appointments at SUNY Optometry and Metropolitan Hospital Center, both in New York. She also held a faculty appointment at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center/ The University of Cincinnati. She currently is Chief of Pediatric Primary Care at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee.

Renée Bogschutz, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Renée Bogschutz, PhD, CCC-SLP is the Founding Director of Interprofessional Education at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). In this role, Dr. Bogschutz provides the leadership, oversight, and operational support for the design, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice (ICP) initiatives. She also delivers engaging faculty, staff, resident, and preceptor development and training on IPE/ICP, including TeamSTEPPS® Master Training. She serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Texas Interprofessional Education Consortium, the mission of which is to share institutional IPE initiatives, experiences, and lessons learned across the state. After completing her PhD at the University of Iowa, Dr. Bogschutz joined the graduate faculty in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at TTUHSC where she has taught and practiced in multiple collaborative care clinics.

Nena Bonuel, Nursing Academy
Nena Bonuel graduated “cum laude” at Far Eastern University, Manila Philippines for her bachelor’s degree, received her master’s from University of Texas School of Nursing, and Doctorate at Texas Woman’s University. Dr. Nena Bonuel is currently the Harris Health System Director of Nursing Practice. She held various roles in the practice setting ranging from critical care nurse, flight nurse, house supervisor, administrator on duty, director of education, nurse innovation specialist, nurse educator and nurse scientist. She also contributed to academia as adjunct faculty in four local universities. Nena currently she holds an adjunct faculty position at Baylor College of Medicine, Pulmonary/Critical Care Section. Nena received several awards, have published, and shared many scholarly works through poster presentations and is an invited speaker by many professional nursing organizations. Nena loves to dance, love to travel to the Philippines yearly, and love to bond with her only daughter by “doing lunch”.

Brandon "Kit" Bredimus, Nursing Academy
Dr. Kit Bredimus is the Chief Nursing Officer at Midland Memorial Hospital in Midland, Texas. Kit is a nationally recognized nurse leader through his various presentations, podcasts, publications, and involvement in professional organizations. Kit was featured on the inaugural list of 20 under 40 by Midland Magazine and a Texas Nurses Association’s 2020 Year of the Nurse Award winner. Nationally, Kit is a Modern Healthcare’s Rising Star in Nursing Award winner, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership Early Careerist Award and Professional Young Voices winner, and runner-up for Nursing Management’s Hader Visionary Nurse Leader Award. Dr. Bredimus serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership, Texas Nurses Association, and Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses Recognition Program. Kit is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and holds multiple board certifications in nursing management and executive leadership, along with Emergency and Pediatric Emergency nursing. 

Jennifer Brello, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Jennifer Brello, M.Ed., CCC-SLP is a Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the OSU Aphasia Initiative at the Ohio State University. She practices and supervises students in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders in adults. Her clinical and research interest are in the areas of adult neurogenic cognitive- communication disorders, interprofessional practice, and service learning. She has previously worked as the program director at Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, and as a therapy manager and speech-language pathologist for the Brain Injury System of Care at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She is an Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association Fellow and has been recognized for excellence in teaching and interprofessional education.

Robert (BC) Charles-Liscombe, Athletic Training Academy
Since 2012, Dr. Charles-Liscombe has been the department chair and an associate professor at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, OH. A certified and licensed athletic trainer with clinical experience at NCAA Division I, II, and III colleges and universities and community events, Dr Charles-Liscombe envisions a community where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their goals and achieve optimal well-being. He believes that every student and AT should: advocate for physical activity in all forms, develop as compassionate and highly qualified healthcare and fitness professionals, serve as role models for others, and create strong, supportive, and nurturing environments for families and communities. At Mount St. Joseph, he is on the leadership team of the Exercise is Medicine On Campus committee. Dr. Charles-Liscombe currently serves on the Ohio HOSA – Future Health Professionals State Advisor Board and is a commissioner with the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).

Melissa Chen, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
As an internist who trained at a county hospital, I have dedicated my life to serving historically excluded communities. For almost a decade I volunteered at our county’s only free clinic. As the director of the Interprofessional Community Clinic (ICC), our university’s student-led free clinic, I have created an interprofessional community of faculty to foster IP mentorship and collaboration as well as oversight. As a relative newcomer to academic medicine, I have found a home at Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University, where interprofessionalism is championed. With my work in pro bono clinics and seeing a need for this topic in health professions education, I began developing educational modules and electives about the social determinants of health. Last year I created an innovative longitudinal and required equity curriculum for all years at CMS, and created an interprofessional community of faculty to facilitate these challenging conversations.

Tracy Christopherson, Respiratory Care Academy
Tracy Christopherson, PhD, MS, BAS, RRT is the co-founder of MissingLogic, LLC, a coaching and consulting company dedicated to helping healthcare leaders combat burnout, and become thriving, resilient, and unstoppable leaders by leveraging the power of Polarity Intelligence™. She has taught thousands of clinicians and leaders across the globe about the polarities that impact interprofessional collaborative practice and frequently speaks on the topic of polarities in healthcare at national and international conferences. Tracy has over 30 years of experience coaching and supporting healthcare leaders and professionals as they strive to create healthy, healing work cultures. Tracy has been an advocate for interprofessional collaborative practice most of her career and received her doctorate in interprofessional healthcare studies. She has mentored and coached healthcare leaders across North America to develop and sustain interprofessional collaborative practice work environments.

Kimberly Clark, Respiratory Care Academy
Dr. Kimberly Clark, EdD, RRT is a clinical associate professor and director of the bachelor’s and master’s respiratory therapy degree programs in the Department of Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her professional experience spans over 30 years in clinical practice, respiratory therapy education, and higher education administration. Her experience in higher education administration included the development and implementation of college-based simulated hospitals focused on promoting interprofessional education among the health disciplines under her direction. Dr. Clark’s research interests and initiatives focus on evidence-based practice, interprofessional education, end-of-life care, and patient-ventilator asynchrony. Her current grant funded research projects include assessing recognition and correction of patient-ventilator asynchrony and fostering interprofessional practice in a Latino community center to improve health and wellness. Dr. Clark will be inducted as Fellow of the American Association for Respiratory Care in fall 2022.

Nancy Colletti, Respiratory Care Academy
Dr. Colletti earned her B.S. degree in Cardiorespiratory Sciences, M.S. degree in Health Sciences, and Advanced Certificate in Health Care Management from Stony Brook University.  She completed her PhD in Education at Capella University.  She has been teaching in respiratory care programs for over 35-years, starting as a hospital bedside clinical instructor before transitioning to classroom/laboratory teaching; serving as Director of Clinical Education and Program Director for degree entry and degree advancement programs at the associate, bachelor, and master’s degree levels.  Dr. Colletti has been engaged in interprofessional collaborative practice and interprofessional education throughout her career.   Professor Colletti is MSRT Program Director at the University of Cincinnati where she serves as Chair of the IPE Council and member of the Academic Health Center IPE Steering Committee where she has developed and facilitated IPE faculty development workshops and IPE events with the colleges of allied health sciences, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy.

Kelly Colwell, Respiratory Care Academy
Dr. Colwell is an Associate Professor and Program Director for the Respiratory Care Programs at Youngstown State University. He has 37 years of experience within the profession of respiratory therapy, specializing in neonatal and pediatric areas of care. This experience within the healthcare field has given Dr. Colwell an awareness of the pain and suffering and healthcare needs of the underserved and the racial disparities that will need to be overcome to allow for a healthier overall society. Dr. Colwell actively teaches and develops Interprofessional courses on Social Determinates of Health, Cultural Humility, Cultural Competence, and leadership pertaining to health care providers, and actively works within a multidisciplinary campus led free health care clinic, lending his expertise to patients and students seeking higher education. He is actively involved in interdisciplinary dissertations and research opportunities and has publications and original research in improvement of access for pediatric asthma patients in underserved areas.

Linda Comer, Nursing Academy
Dr. Linda Comer is Dean of the Ann Blanton Edwards School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Florida Southern College. Her research includes faculty teams, health professional education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dr. Comer is a member of the Florida Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, Florida Organization of Nurse Leaders and Sigma. An alumni of the Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, by American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Dr. Comer has presented at numerous state and national conferences, and serves Lakeland on the Advisory Board for Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (VISTE) as well as on Polk Vision, a community partnership of organizations, businesses, government and individuals acting collectively to implement Polk County's community vision. She serves as a Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accreditation site team member, and peer-reviewer for the Journal of Professional Nursing, and for Sigma Theta Tau research grant proposals.

Kelly Conway, Nursing Academy
Dr. Kelly Conway DNP, CNS is Dean, College of Nursing, RMUoHP. An AACN Fellow in Executive Leadership in Academic Nursing (ELAN). Professional experience as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) focused on inpatient and outpatient adult mental health settings, including case management, and psychiatric home health care. She served as Facility and Rural Outreach Coordinator at the VA in Palo Alto, CA increasing access to care through mobile clinic outreach. Her last appointment was a detail to the National Homeless Program Office (HPO) with the Homeless Patient Aligned Care Teams (HPACT) providing policy development and support to field staff nationwide. She serves on community governing boards for housing, mental health, and medical advocacy. She serves as a consultant for mental health, outreach, and homeless issues. She has extensive experience in population health and public social determinants of health. Dr. Conway’s scholarly focus is mental health, interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based practice.

Jeanne Copeland, Speech-Language Pathology Academy 
Jeanne Copeland is a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and Clinical Director for Powerback. She enjoys presenting at state and national conventions, with past accepted submissions at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and National LeadingAge Convention. Jeanne serves as the Vice President of Professional Practice for the Kansas Speech-Language Hearing Association, as well as the State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP) representative. Jeanne is also proud to be the Kansas SLP delegate for the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact Commission, and volunteers on the compliance committee. She is currently a Professional Member of the National Academies of Practice (NAP), where she volunteers on the public policy committee and the awards committee. In both her personal and professional life, Jeanne strives to affect widespread change by educating and motivating others to embrace everyday opportunities for leadership, advocacy and interprofessional practice when working with older adults. 

Debra Copeland-Mahfouz, Pharmacy Academy
Debra Copeland, Assistant Dean, Experiential and Continuing Professional Education at the Bouvé School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences at Northeastern University, received her undergraduate and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees from the University of Rhode Island. She currently co-chairs Bouve’s Clinical Coordinator Committee, composed of pharmacy and 10 other health disciplines. This committee shares best practices in managing students and creates common processes to facilitate student learning. Her scholarly and teaching interests include a multi-year interdisciplinary project designed to identify students’ ability to achieve skills-based competencies and entrustable professional activities in the didactic and experiential environments. Her publications include collaborative work with colleagues locally and nationally. In addition to her work on-campus, she engages regionally with the New England Regional Departments of Experiential Education consortium that she co-founded in 2002, and most recently she is serving as the co-chair for the NAP Networking subcommittee for the 2023 Annual Meeting & Forum. 

Jill Cunningham, Nursing Academy 
Dr. Jill Cunningham is a Professor, Nurse Practitioner Department Chair, and Graduate Associate Dean of Nursing at Samford University. She has been a board-certified family nurse practitioner (FNP-BC) since 1998. She earned her DNP from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Tennessee and her MSN and BSN from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. She has taught across the nursing curriculum from BSN to DNP, including classroom and on-line teaching. In 2015 and 2019, she received Alabama’s Outstanding Nurse Educator Award by the Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama. Dr. Cunningham has published peer-reviewed articles related to interprofessional education and service to individuals with disabilities. She has presented at numerous local and national conferences. Dr. Cunningham serves as an active member on various nursing professional organizations at the local and national level.

Camilia Curren, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Camilla Curren, MD, FACP, FAAP is a physician with over 30 years of experience in diagnosing, treating, and teaching others about a wide variety of diseases. She is the recipient of many major teaching awards at The Ohio State University and is active on the national level as well on several academic committees in her specialty. She currently works as the Interprofessional Education Champion and Interprofessional Competency Director for the College of Medicine where she also teaches at the bedside in interprofessional team-based scenarios on an outpatient basis.  She has been named one of America’s Best Doctors for many years.   

Elizabeth Deluliis, Occupational Therapy Academy 
Dr. Elizabeth DeIuliis is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She earned degrees from Duquesne University and Chatham University and completed the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Academic Leadership Institute earning the credential academic leader. She is the University's Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Committee Co-Chair, which focuses on advancing interprofessional education and practice in the University. Dr DeIuliis has co-authored several publications on interprofessional education and delivered refereed presentations at the state, national and international-level. Dr. DeIuliis’s teaching, scholarship and servant leadership has been recognized by Duquesne University’s Creative Teaching Award (2014), Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Teaching (2015), Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Academic Educator of the Year Award (2017), J.Warren Perry Award for Highest Quality Publication in Journal of Allied Health (2018), Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Service (2018) and Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Scholarship (2022).

Jeffrey DiGiovanni, Audiology Academy
Dr. DiGiovanni has spent his career in higher education seeking to solve problems in higher education. Currently, Dr. DiGiovanni has dual appointments at the University of Cincinnati serving as Professor and Chair of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Acting Associate Dean for Research for the College of Health Sciences and Professions. Prior to that, he spent over fifteen years at Ohio University in various positions at both the department and college level. For over a decade, Dr. DiGiovanni has ardently pursued interprofessional opportunities to be systematically integrated into health-profession program requirements. To that end, he was the project director for a multi-year grant that spear-headed Ohio University’s first interprofessional curriculum. He has been highly active with the American Speech-LanguageHearing Association serving on the Audiology Advisory Council for two, three-year terms and as Topic Chair for two national conventions. He has degrees in electrical engineering and audiology.

Cynthia Dougherty, Social Work Academy
Cynthia Valdez Dougherty, PhD, MSW is the Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education Engagement at The Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center. Dr. Dougherty has long been an advocate for IPE in hospital and community settings. Her interprofessional interest started in community health and elementary schools focused on collaborative models for school improvement. She now leads the development and implementation of the Interprofessional Community Scholars Program and community-engaged IPE of health science students. She has a wide range of experience serving children, families, older adults, and communities through direct practice, program development, evaluation, administration, and grant writing. She recently served as the Director of the Office of Geriatrics and Interprofessional Aging Studies at the OSU College of Medicine. She earned an MSW and a PhD in Social Work from OSU. In addition to being a proud Buckeye, Cynthia is also a proud Ohio University and AmeriCorps alumni.

Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo, Nursing Academy
Dr. Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo disseminates excellence in gerontolocial care through practice, teaching, and scholarship. A gerontological nurse practitioner, she translates evidenced-based practice to diverse interprofessional learners across settings and educational levels. Having held academic appointments at New York Univerity, the College of Staten Island, and Wagner College, she serves as Professor/Chair, Nursing, Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies, Monmouth University, NJ; and, an editor for the Urological Nursing Journal. Earned degrees include Associate in Applied Science and Bachelor of Science, The College of Staten Island; Master’s, NYU; and, PhD, Rutgers. As a Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar and Chairperson, Inaugural Alumni Advisory Council for Jonas Philanthropies, she shaped the foundational structure to harness the expertise of 1400 scholars. Recent awards include Faculty Exceptional Performance Award in Teaching, Wagner College; Service Above Self Award, Staten Island Rotary; and Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence. 

Caitlin Fitzgerald, Physical Therapy Academy 
Caitlin Fitzgerald, PT, DPT is a licensed physical therapist and an Assistant Professor and the Associate Director of Clinical Education at the MGH Institute of Health Professions (MGHIHP). In 10 years as faculty at the MGHIHP, she has participated in the launch of several interprofessional (IP) and discipline specific programs, curricula, and clubs. Among these are an interprofessional dedicated education unit clinical experience at Massachusetts General Hospital, the re-design of the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program to an integrated, modular, case-based curriculum and the establishment of a student-run Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School club. She holds leadership roles in the MGHIHP DPT program and the New England Consortium of Clinical Education. She was recognized as an inaugural fellow of the IP Teaching Excellence Academy for Learning at the MGHIHP which recognizes excellence in teaching and aims to develop instruction across the institution’s IP programs. 

Eric Fuchs, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Eric Fuchs,  ATC, AEMT, SMTC, CIDN, Exercise & Sport Science Department Chair at EKU. Dr. Fuchs clinically practices as an AT serving as the Director of Sports Medicine Services for Festival Sports Inc. where he directs care to participants in the Volleyball Festival and Fiesta Classic tournaments.  He has a variety of experience in the emergency care of a critically injured athlete. Dr. Fuchs has been an invited speaker on a variety of topics for a variety of National, regional, and state conferences along with publishing several book chapters and articles.  He serves on KBEMS AP Wilderness Paramedic Task Force to define Scope of Practice and Educational Competencies.  He has served on the KBML Athletic Training Regulation Task Force for developing the AT medication formulary and invasive procedures. He is on faculty at Florida International University’s DAT program and serves as an associate expert for the Rehberg-Konin Group. 

Nicholas Fusco, Pharmacy Academy 
Dr. Nicholas M. Fusco serves as Clinical Associate Professor, Director of Interprofessional Education, and Vice-Chair for Education, Practice, and Service within the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (UB-SPPS). He practices/teaches in acute care pediatrics and his scholarship focuses on the areas of pediatric infectious diseases and interprofessional education. Dr. Fusco has been an active member and held leadership positions within several professional pharmacy organizations including the Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA), the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Pediatrics PRN, and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Pediatric Pharmacy SIG. He is the recipient of several teaching and scholarship awards, including an Emerging Teaching Scholar Award by the AACP Council of Faculties (2020). He has authored 31 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and 34 peer-reviewed abstracts and has presented nationally on the topics of pediatric pharmacy practice and interprofessional education. 

Annette Gadegbeku, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Annette Gadegbeku is Associate Dean of Community Health at Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM). She works to establish local partnerships promoting urban health equity in collaboration with the University. She received her bachelor’s degree in Biology at Brown University, obtained her medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine, and completed her Family Medicine Residency training at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She was recruited as faculty to the Montgomery Family Practice Residency Program, then later appointed faculty at DUCOM in 2009. Dr Gadegbeku is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family, Community & Preventive Medicine and Chief of the Division of Community Health.  She has implemented longitudinal curricula for Community Health, Refugee Health, Addiction Medicine, and trauma-informed care and implements multiple community outreach programs at various sites in Philadelphia.  She engages interprofessional students and faculty in health equity–related scholarship, service and community partnership across the University. 

Patrick Gallegos, Pharmacy Academy
Patrick Gallegos, PharmD graduated from West Texas A & M with a double major in Biology and Chemistry. He completed his PharmD and a two-year Pharmacotherapy Residency program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Amarillo, Texas. He then took an academic shared faculty position with Northeast Ohio medical University (NEOMED) and Cleveland Clinic Akron General (CCAG). He teaches within the College of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, and the College of Graduate Studies at NEOMED. His practice site has evolved from ambulatory collaborative practice to an inpatient interprofessional medical team service over the course of his career. He finds his greatest value in helping to develop others and to improve patient outcomes as part of an interprofessional team of clinicians and educators. 

Anne Gill, Nursing Academy
Anne C. Gill, DrPH, is the Assistant Dean in Interprofessional Education and Professor of Pediatrics and the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM). She received a BSN from the University of Texas in Austin, and an MS in Nursing from Texas Woman’s University where she was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing. She received her Doctor of Public Health from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. As Assistant Dean of IPE, Dr. Gill leads a consortium of health care educators including nurses from Texas Woman’s University and pharmacists from The University of Houston College of Pharmacy in developing and delivery of IPE educational activities. She has received numerous teaching awards, including 7 awards for teaching excellence and the Barbara and Corbin J. Robertson Presidential Award for Teaching, the highest teaching award bestowed at BCM.

Sarah Gordon, Pharmacy Academy 
Sarah Gordon is an associate professor of pharmacy practice at Manchester University. In 2016, after 4 years of concentrated interprofessional collaborative practice in internal medicine, she was offered and accepted the role of IPE Coordinator for the pharmacy program. She continues to work as part of an interprofessional collaborative care team in internal medicine and provides robust and meaningful activities for her students to interact with many professional healthcare students. She has represented and advocated for IPE through two accreditation site visits, at an AACP Institute, and has led the approval and implementation of required IPE courses at Manchester (starting Fall 2022). In addition to her role as IPE Coordinator, she was elected and currently serves as the President of the Fort Wayne Area Interprofessional Education Consortium where she is leading the implementation of a renewed IPE curriculum across 7 professional programs in 5 unique universities. 

Lynn Greenspan, Optometry Academy
Dr. Lynn Greenspan received her optometry degree from SUNY Optometry and completed her Low Vision and Rehabilitative Optometry residency at Northport VAMC. She has spent her career in academia at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Salus University. She teaches Optics, Eye Movements, Vision Science and Perception. and Interdisciplinary Management of Acquired Brain Injury. Dr. Greenspan earned her PhD in 2017 at Salus University with a dissertation topic of saccadic eye movements in acquired brain injury. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and will earn her Diplomate in Public Health and Environmental Vision. She is a member of the AOA Evidence Based Optometry committee. Dr. Greenspan is an editorial board member and a reviewer for several professional journals. For 27 years her clinical practice has been in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation hospital. Research interests include technology and data-driven vision testing to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of eyecare. 

Carrie Hall, Nursing Academy
Dr. Hall currently serves as Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at Florida Southern College. In addition to Dr. Hall’s teaching role, she provides leadership and oversight for student independent and collaborative research, scholarship and creative works across all disciplines of study. Dr. Hall graduated from Wright State University with her BSN in 1995 and her Master’s in 2005.  She obtained her PhD in 2015 from University of Cincinnati.  Dr. Hall is a Family Nurse Practitioner and currently works for an international company that assists with in home administration of random control trials. She serves on the board for InnerAct Alliance, a non-profit interprofessional organization focused on reducing harmful behaviors in youth living in Polk County, Florida. Dr. Hall is active in her Sigma Theta Tau chapter and currently is the Chair of the Scholarship Committee.  Dr. Hall is committed to nursing development, research and collaboration and believes these are essential to quality patient care.

Brooke Hallowell, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow, is Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Dean of the School of Health Sciences at Springfield College. She has been working clinically, teaching future clinicians, and engaging in interprofessional education, research, and practice for over 25 years. She is known for transnational interprofessional research collaboration, academic and clinical program development, and global health programming, especially in underserved regions of the world. Her career history reflects a deep commitment to interprofessional engagement. She has served as an affiliated faculty member in biomedical engineering, translational biomedical sciences, global health, gerontology, neurology, family medicine, Asian studies, and international development studies. Her earlier career history includes roles as a musician, French-English interpreter/translator, and French instructor. In addition, she has a strong track record in leadership across a wide array of health sciences programs, and a robust record of scholarship and funding success that reflect strong interprofessional values.

Alena Hampton, Psychology Academy
Alena C. Hampton, Ph.D., serves as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Success for the College of Health Professions. She holds a B.A. from Spelman College (psychology) and M.A. and Ph.D. (counseling psychology) degrees from the Ohio State University. She is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Virginia. Hampton served as the founding director of the Office of Student Experience at VCU from 2015 to 2020 and was a staff psychologist and assistant director for clinical services at University Counseling Services from 2008 to 2014. She is active nationally as a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education (NASPA), and has served as a SACSCOC Off-Site Reviewer. She has regularly presented nationally on supporting graduate and professional students and regularly presents in departments and schools across VCU on implicit bias. Her research interests include implicit bias, resilience, and leadership.

Jennifer Harthan, Optometry Academy
Jennifer S. Harthan, OD is a graduate of the Illinois College of Optometry (ICO).  After completing Residency in Cornea and Contact Lenses at ICO, she became a full-time faculty member. Dr. Harthan is a Professor at ICO and Chief of the Cornea and Contact Lens Center for Clinical Excellence at the Illinois Eye Institute. Dr. Harthan is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, Scleral Lens Education Society, and serves on the advisory boards for the International Keratoconus Academy and the GPLI.  Dr. Harthan is a founding member of the SCOPE (Scleral Lenses in Current Ophthalmic Practice Evaluation) research team.  Dr. Harthan is the 2022 recipient of the Dr. Edward S. Bennett GPLI Educator of the Year award. She has numerous publications on the topics of complex contact lens fits and anterior segment disease.  Dr. Harthan is actively involved in ocular surface disease and contact lens research and lectures on these topics at national meetings. 

Ardeshir Hashmi, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Dr. Ardeshir Z. Hashmi MD, FACP is Chair of Geriatric Innovation and Section Chief of the Center for Geriatric Medicine at Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Hashmi completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at Yale University; Internal Medicine residency and Chief residency at Yale-Saint Mary’s hospital and Clinical Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), before becoming Medical Director of MGH Geriatrics-Harvard Medicine. A Fellow of the American College of Physicians, advanced peer coach and mentor, he is national Co-Chair of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Patient Priorities Care Special Interest Group (SIG) and serves on the AGS Health Systems Innovation, Economics and Technology Committee and Cleveland Clinic National Consultation Service. Dr. Hashmi is an alumnus of the prestigious AGS Tideswell Emerging Leaders in Aging and Association of Chiefs and Leaders in General Internal Medicine LEAD national leadership development programs. Dr. Hashmi’s niche interest: Affordable technology solutions for underserved geriatric populations.

William Hay, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
I am a Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The focus of my practice and educational activities for the last 16 years has been on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. My clinical practice is a primary care medical home that requires interprofessional practice. I have developed our student-run free clinic into what has been recognized as the most interprofessional program at our institution and is recognized as a national model. Our research indicates our model has a significant impact on the interprofessional attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of our students. I am a member of our universities interprofessional curriculum committee. I'm a founding officer and past president of the Interprofessional Student Run Free Clinics Faculty Association. I have done 32 presentations on interprofessional education at the local, national and international levels. I was the 2021 UNMC “Impact in Education for Interprofessional Education Scholar.”

Travis Hedwig, Social Work Academy
Travis is an applied medical anthropologist and Associate Professor of Health Sciences in the Division of Population Health Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage. His research addresses social determinants of health inequality by engaging community to identify solutions that are responsive to several related areas of vulnerability, including impairment/disability and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), housing and homelessness, mental and behavioral health, and substance misuse. Travis has a long history of collaboration with communities across the circumpolar north and has worked on several multi-year applied public health projects in areas of child welfare, adolescent health and wellness, criminal justice, housing and employment support, and community-engaged approaches to alcohol and substance misuse prevention. He is passionate about teaching and learning and enjoys the challenge of translating research into action in collaboration with community.

Kelley Henderson, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Henderson is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of West Florida where she also serves as the Program Director for the Master of Science in Athletic Training program. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of South Alabama, Master of Science from Northwestern State University and Doctorate of Education from Florida Gulf Coast University. Her research interests focus on curriculum and instruction along with clinical practice issues including Exertional Rhabdomyolysis and Sickle Cell Trait. She has worked as an athletic trainer at the UWF and the Andrews Institute. She was a Clinical Coordinator and Program Director for Athletic Training Education at Texas Christian University before moving to Florida Gulf Coast University as the Clinical Education Coordinator then Nova Southeastern University as the Clinical Education Director. She teaches a variety of athletic training courses with areas of contemporary expertise upper extremity evaluation, rehabilitation, and general medical conditions.

Rodney Hicks, Nursing Academy
Dr. Rodney Hicks is a Professor and Associate Dean for Administration and Research at The College of Graduate Nursing in Pomona California. Dr. Hicks’ PhD (Capella University, 2008) with a concentration in health care administration complements his other graduate work in public administration (2001) and nursing administration (1991). He currently manages a $5M grant program that advances education and training of nurses, physicians, and physician assistants in the areas of substance abuse and mental health disorders. Dr. Hicks’ contributions to advancing patient safety are well-chronicled through grants, publications, and presentations. His outstanding work in safe medication practices led the Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) to develop an internationally recognized recommended practice guideline. He has served as Chair of the AORN Recommended Advisory Group and AORN Nursing Research Committee. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Kasee Hildenbrand, Athletic Training Academy
Kasee Hildenbrand PhD, LAT, ATC has been at Washington State University (WSU) since the Fall of 2006, where she has served as the Program Director and recently also as the Director of New Academic Program for the health sciences campus. Hildenbrand has served the profession in numerous volunteer roles at the state, district and national levels. In June 2022 she will become the District 10 Director for the National Athletic Training Association. She is also interested in furthering Interprofessional Practice in Education, most recently completing a micro-credential in IPE and being the chair-elect of the IPE steering committee at WSU. Hildenbrand attended Whitworth University for her undergraduate degree in sports medicine, Kansas State University for her MS and Phd. She was awarded the Athletic Training Service Award in 2018, and from WSU College of Education Faculty Excellence in Teaching in 2015 and Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2022.

Bari Hoffman, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Bari Hoffman, PhD, CCC-SLP, is Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, College of Health Professions and Sciences at UCF and Director of the Center for Voice Care and Swallowing Disorders at the ENT Plastic Surgery Associates.  She has worked clinically in this interdisciplinary setting for 22 years treating individuals with upper airway disorders. Her research involves studying novel treatment technologies and biomechanical mechanisms for disorders of laryngeal function while defining the high impact on quality-of-life factors. She implements computer modeling of upper and lower airway function and respiratory muscle strength paradigms in a variety of patient groups. Dr. Hoffman has a significant record of peer-reviewed publications, authorship of three widely adopted textbooks and actively lectures nationally/internationally on these topics.  In recognition of her contributions to teaching, research, and service, she has been awarded Fellow, of the American Speech Language and Hearing and numerous awards within her university, state, and national associations. 

Pam Holland, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Pam Holland, MA-CCC-SLP/BCS-S is an Associate Professor, Chair and Graduate Program Director at Marshall University. She is board certified in swallowing and swallowing disorders and founded the MU Interdisciplinary Feeding and Swallowing Clinic in 2013 https://www.marshall.edu/mu-speech-and-hearing-center/feeding-swallowing-clinic/. She is also the owner of Family First Feeding, LLC which provides specialized feeding and swallowing services to children and families in the WV birth to three program. In addition to supervising graduate students in the Feeding and Swallowing Clinic she is a part of a multi-agency coalition called Healthy Connections https://healthyconnectionswv.org/ and works with multiple professions to assist in the community’s opioid epidemic and improve outcomes for children diagnosed with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome. She has been a leader in the development and growth of the University’s Interprofessional Education Initiative which started in 2013. She is one of the faculty advisors for the Interprofessional Health Student Organization at Marshall University and serves on the IPE/IPP Committee for the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 

Julie Honaker, Audiology Academy
Julie A. Honaker, PhD CCC-A is the Acting Audiology Section Head of Audiology, Head and Neck Institute and the Director of the Vestibular and Balance Disorders Program at the Cleveland Clinic. Her passion for vestibular sciences developed during her master’s program in audiology (2001) and PhD (2006) at the University of Cincinnati, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in (2009). Prior to joining the Cleveland Clinic in 2016, she was an Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with her teaching and research program focused on vestibular and balance sciences. As a clinical researcher she strives to advance the care of patients with balance disorders, but more importantly she mentors students and serves a clinical educator for audiology, physical therapy and neurology students and residents. She strives to advance interdisciplinary practice and education at the Cleveland Clinic.

Jaqueline Hoying, Nursing Academy
Dr. Jacqueline Hoying, is a nationally recognized expert and researcher in cognitive-behavioral skills building to enhance mental resiliency and well-being. She is an assistant professor of clinical nursing and director of MINDSTRONG™ at The Ohio State University College of Nursing as well as director of the Community Core at the Fuld National Institute for EBP. A board-certified health and wellness coach and behavioral researcher, Dr. Hoying’s focus is on promoting optimal well-being, mental resilience, and reducing stress, anxiety and depression among college-age young adults, health professionals and adults. Hoying’s clinical background in critical care/emergency nursing and nursing administration is extensive. She served in a variety of roles, ranging from bedside clinician to chief nursing officer, in which she gained real-world experience and expertise in teaching and practicing health and wellness. Dr. Hoying trains professionals to deliver the evidence based MINDSTRONG program. She presents nationally/internationally and has published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts.

Aidyn Iachini, Social Work Academy
Dr. Aidyn Iachini, MSW, LSW is an Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Research and Faculty in the College of Social Work at the University of South Carolina (UofSC). Her research focuses on interprofessional collaboration and collaborative practice with a focus on behavioral health. She has an extensive peer-reviewed publication and presentation record focused on interprofessional education and practice, and is the lead editor of the book “A Guide for Interprofessional Collaboration.” She has received four federal training grants focused on building interprofessional competencies within the healthcare workforce. Recently, she was invited to serve as a member of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Measurement Instrument Collection Review Committee and currently serves as Co-Chair of the Council on Social Work Education Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Track. In 2020, she was inducted a Society for Social Work Research Fellow and has received a UofSC Breakthrough Research Award.

Christopher Ingersoll, Athletic Training Academy
Christopher D. Ingersoll is the Founding Dean for the College of Health Professions and Sciences at the University of Central Florida. Previously, he has served as dean at The University of Toledo and Central Michigan University; as well as the Joe H. Gieck Professor of Sports Medicine at the University of Virginia. Ingersoll served as Editor-in-Chief for two different journals: the Journal of Athletic Training and the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation and served as president of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Research and Education Foundation. He has authored or coauthored over 170 peer-reviewed publications, 300 presentations at scientific meetings, and more than 85 invited presentations or symposia. He was the recipient of the NATA Research & Education Foundation Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research and the NATA Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator award. He was inducted into the NATA Hall of Fame in 2019.

Lesly James, Occupational Therapy Academy
Dr. Lesly W. James is a tenured Associate Professor at Lenoir-Rhyne University (LR) in the School of Occupational Therapy (OT) within the College of Health Sciences at the Center for Graduates Studies in Columbia SC. She holds a BS in OT from Tuskegee University, a MPA with a concentration in Healthcare Administration from Troy State University, and a PhD in Organization and Management with a specialization in Leadership from Capella University. She has over 25 years of experience in pediatrics, geriatrics, and community-based practice. She has authored book chapters, peer-review articles, and professional publications with numerous presentations. She serves as chair of the SC Licensure Board for OT; is a Fellow of the American OT Association; and the 2022 recipient of the LR Scholar Award. She works collaboratively with health professionals and community volunteers to eliminate health disparities within her community.

Erin Jenewein, Optometry Academy
Dr. Erin C. Jenewein earned her BSc degree in Biology, Chemistry and Philosophy from St. Norbert College.  She completed a Master of Science degree in Biology at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Jenewein graduated with highest honors and professional distinction from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry.  Following graduation, she completed a residency at Nova Southeastern University in Pediatrics and Binocular Vision. Dr. Jenewein joined the faculty at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry and from 2010-2015 served as an Assistant Professor, Chief of Service of The Eye Care Institute at KID, and as part of the faculty of the Master of Science in Clinical Vision Research program. In 2015, Dr. Jenewein joined the Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry faculty where she serves as an Assistant Professor and Coordinator for the Binocular Vision Curriculum and Coordinator for the Pediatrics and Vision Therapy Residency. Dr. Jenewein currently serves as Salus University’s Principal Site Investigator for the multi-centered NEI-funded Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group and served as an investigator for the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Attention and Reading Trial.

Jennifer Jessen, Nursing Academy
Dr. Jennifer Jessen serves as Executive Director for the nationally recognized Center of Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CIPER) at Creighton University. Dr. Jessen, an Assistant Professor of Nursing, leads the team in developing strategies of assessment and evaluation of interprofessional skills and programming with regional and national presentations. She is current member of several interprofessional organizations and an active member of the Association of Operating Room Nurses. Dr. Jessen’s work in perioperative nursing care has led to the development of simulated learning experiences with an emphasis on advanced directives and informed consent in an interdisciplinary team. She has been awarded for her teaching accomplishments through the Nebraska Nurses Association and Nebraska Action Coalition. She holds an EdD with an emphasis in health profession education and a master’s in nursing education from College of Saint Mary. Her bachelors in nursing was completed at Creighton University. 

Rachel Johnson Krug, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Rachel Johnson Krug from Bismarck, ND was interested in athletic training since high school. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in athletic training and physical education from the University of Mary in 1992/1993. She continued her studies at Fort Hayes State University in Hays, KS where she also was an athletic trainer at High Plains Sports Medicine Clinic. Dr. Johnson Krug graduated with a master’s degree in administration and exercise science in 1995. She completed her EdD in adult and occupational education from North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND in 2017 researching Burnout in Athletic Training Students. Dr. Johnson Krug has over 20 years of experience as an athletic trainer as well as over 10 years of teaching in the K-12 and higher education settings. She started in 2010 at the University of Mary as the Program Director for Athletic Training. In 2016 she was the recipient of the Guardian Angel Award from the Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department. She is currently the Athletic Training and Kinesiology Department Chair and Associate Professor at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. Dr. Johnson Krug’s research interests are burnout in athletic training and students; interprofessional education and experience, and behavioral health.

Simi Joseph, Nursing Academy
Simi J. Joseph, DNP, FPA-APRN, ANP, NP-C, NEA-BC is a nurse practitioner, professor, and researcher. She is the Advanced Practice Provider for the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease program at Northwestern Medicine, an Adjunct Faculty at Benedictine University, and an international Faculty at MAHE University, India. She leads an innovative virtual Clinically Integrated Practice program to improve access to care, reduce overuse of proton pump inhibitors, and bring quality clinical outcomes in GERD population. In addition, she is a co-PI for Eosinophilic Esophagitis clinical trials. Dr. Joseph serves as the program director for Society of Gastroenterology Nurses & Associates, bringing programs that focuses on interprofessional care in gastroenterology. She also serves on the Institutional Review Board with an interprofessional team to ensure patient safety in clinical research. She completed her BSN at MAHE, India, MSN at North Park University, DNP from Loyola University, and currently a Ph.D. candidate at Northern Illinois University. 

Christy Kane, Respiratory Care Academy
My name is Christy Kane, and I am the Dean of Bellarmine University’s Lansing School of Nursing and Clinical Sciences. My clinical expertise includes neonatal, pediatric, and adult critical care as well as general medical/surgical experiences. Early in my career, I saw education as a mechanism to advance my career and to serve the profession. I completed my PhD in 2007. During my 27 years in higher education, I have served as a faculty member, department chair (two departments simultaneously), and dean. I am currently serving as the Past-President of the Coalition of Baccalaureate and Graduate Respiratory Therapy Education (or CoBGRTE). I have 20 published manuscripts, including an original study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. My presentations include international, national, regional, and state conferences. 

Denise Kay, Psychology Academy
I have been the co-chair of the IPE Program at UCF College of Medicine since 2015. In this role, I worked with an interprofessional group of faculty to develop a longitudinal interprofessional education curriculum that allows our students to work in an interdisciplinary team to address a population health issue, a paper case, and a clinical simulation. The curriculum ends with students working in interdisciplinary teams to provide a health & wellness assessment and design and present a customized health & wellness plan for an older adult volunteer from our community. The latter was made possible by a $10,000 grant awarded in 2016. I have copresented peer-reviewed, interprofessional education workshops (), resource exchanges (1) and posters (4) at regional, national and international conferences. Currently, I am the CoInvestigator for a Health Resources and Services Administration grant, leading an interprofessional team to design a virtual resiliency training program for health professionals.

Suzanne Keep, Nursing Academy
After a decade of hospital and community clinical experience, Dr. Suzanne M. Keep devoted herself to improving nursing education in Michigan. First, as an instructor for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (1988-1993) and Saginaw Valley State University (1996-2005), and then as adjunct professor at the University of Michigan Flint in 2005. She joined the nursing faculty of the University of Detroit Mercy in 2006, where she became tenured (2014), assistant professor (2011), and associate professor (2017). Since 2012, Dr. Keep has been the chair and site director of the university’s pre-licensure BSN program at Aquinas College. She has a bachelor of science in nursing from Nazareth College, a master of science in nursing from Wayne State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing from Rutgers University. She has a long list of research study leadership, articles published, and presentations made, as well as involvement with intraprofessional groups.

Arthur Ko, Nursing Academy
For more than twenty six years, Dr. Arthur Ko was actively involved in achieving positive health outcomes on patients and population across the United States and abroad. He received an international award for his outstanding contribution, upholding excellence in the field of health care and its allied professions and contributing to the betterment of the lives of people and society. Dr. Ko worked extensively with interprofessional teams and developed chronic management, health promotion programs, and oversaw the development of treatment plans that promoted interprofessional collaboration. These efforts resulted in well coordinated healthcare and reduction of cost without compromising quality of patient care. Dr. Ko has served as chair of the interprofessional committee at a university. He also teaches courses where students come from various disciplines (physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, etc.) and collaborated on interprofessional course projects. Dr. Ko’s interprofessional research work has been disseminated by publications and presentations nationally and internationally.

Muriel Kramer, Social Work Academy
A skilled policy and data analyst, Muriel Kramer is an adept health care professional with experience in behavioral health, substance use disorder (SUD), health care management, and social determinants of health. Before joining HMA, Ms. Kramer worked with nonprofit organizations and pharmacies. Ms. Kramer served as site coordinator, triage and diversion coordinator, social worker, and program director for Bay Cove Human Services. She managed day-to-day center operations, designed and promoted triage programs for those with homelessness, SUD, and complex mental illness. She directed an overnight, emergency shelter for adults with SUD during the winter months in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ms. Kramer is dedicated to improving health care and health outcomes for those living in poverty, living with trauma history, past incarceration, and other social determinants of health. She currently serves as a health care consultant for Health Management Associates and an adjunct professor at Simmons University.

Joan Kreiger, Respiratory Care Academy
Licensed, Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) and tenured college professor with extensive background in teaching healthcare issues and topics at public university; private, liberal arts institution; and, via online platform at major, urban not-for-profit health care, education and research enterprise. Self-motivated, creative individual with expertise in developing and teaching health/human disease; theories and clinical applications of respiratory care; bioethics; and other courses that explore concepts of health and health systems dynamics. Demonstrated leader and interdisciplinary collaborator, trained in pulmonary care; 30+ years of clinical experience. Committed to influencing and guiding the students of today to become the global healthcare leaders and interprofessional practitioners of tomorrow.

Laura Kunkel, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Laura Kunkel is the Program Director for the Master of Science in Athletic Training at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). She has been a facilitator for interprofessional education activities at the University of North Texas Health Science Center since 2014 and has served on their IPE Curriculum Committee since 2020. Dr. Kunkel Chaired an IPE work group at UTA and led the group to become a college-level committee from 2017 to 2020. As part of this leadership role, she was able to incorporate the first large-scale IPE activity at UTA and several others since. Dr. Kunkel has also published and presented topics related to interprofessional education and practice. A TeamSTEPPS® master trainer since 2018, Dr. Kunkel was awarded the UNT Health Science Center Office of Interprofessional Education Certificate of Distinction in 2020.

Sharon Lamberton, Nursing Academy
Ms. Lamberton is the Deputy Vice President of State Policy and External Outreach for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), a non-profit trade association representing 33 manufacturers that produce innovative treatments and cures.  As a lobbyist on state and federal issues for the biopharmaceutical industry, she uses her nursing voice to influence public policy and legislation, which ultimately improves patient access, reduces disparities, and improves health outcomes. In her role, Ms. Lamberton develops, implements, and evaluates health policy and legislation with state legislators, Governors, members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and legislative staff.  Her primary issue areas include education on value of medicines, Medicaid, clinical trials, health equity, insulin, pandemic preparedness, and adherence.  Whether testifying on legislation at state capitol hearings or partnering with patient and provider groups, Ms. Lamberton, the only nurse at PhRMA, is a true advocate for patients, representing the profession in every policy conversation.

Joseph LaRochelle, Pharmacy Academy
Dr. LaRochelle received his Bachelors of Arts degree in Biology from Saint Anselm College and his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in 2006. He completed a one-year Pharmacy Practice Residency at Children’s National Medical Center and a Pediatric Specialty Residency at the University of Maryland.  He completed a 2-year Docere Fellowship in Health Professions Education and was inducted into the interprofessional Academy for the Advancement of Educational Scholarship at Louisiana State University. He is currently Vice Chair and the Coleman Endowed Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy and a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine. He practices as a Board Certified Pediatric Pharmacy Specialist in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans and is a Fellow in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.

Amber Littlefield, Nursing Academy
Dr. Littlefield has the following degrees: BS in psychology, Master’s degree in education, BSN as a registered nurse, MSN dual certified as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP). She is also a certified nurse educator (CNE). She has practiced in emergency medicine for 11 years and psychiatry for the past 2 years. She is an Assistant Professor at Frontier Nursing University (since 2015). Dr. Littlefield has served as both a didactic course coordinator and clinical instructor. She has educated both FNP and PMHNP students. She has developed curriculum and simulations. Dr. Littlefield is an entrepreneur who owns a mental health outpatient clinic that works collaboratively with licensed clinical social workers, nurses, and a psychiatrist. She has several publications and has presented at national conferences. She has served on several committees and is politically active in improving health care in her state.

Patricia MacCulloch, Nursing Academy
Patricia A. MacCulloch DNP, PhD(c), ANP-C is an Adult Nurse Practitioner at UMass Memorial Healthcare’s Department of Orthopedic Surgery and serves as Clinical Associate Professor of the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Solomont School of Nursing. In addition to teaching a variety of graduate and doctoral level nursing courses, Dr. MacCulloch also coordinates practicum learning and internship opportunities for graduate nursing students. In her practice role, MacCulloch participates on interdisciplinary organizational level surgical site infection committee (SSIC) and patient handling steering committee responsible for interdisciplinary practice, research, and policy development. Dr. MacCulloch is an active member of the Massachusetts Fall Prevention Coalition, contributing to fall prevention policy at UMass Memorial Healthcare and disseminating fall prevention best practice initiatives throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts through a consultant role with the Boston Department of Public Health. Dr. MacCulloch’s research interests include older adult health promotion and healthcare workforce policy development.

Wendy Madigosky, Allopathic & Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Wendy S. Madigosky MD MSPH is the Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Lead and an Associate Professor of Health System Science at the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine (KSPOM), and an Associate Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine (SOM).  As IPC Lead, she oversees a longitudinal integrated interprofessional education curriculum which includes a partnership with the Western University of Health Sciences College of Graduate Nursing and the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, and a relationship with the Kaiser Permanente School of Nurse Anesthesia.  She previously directed the CU Anschutz Medical Campus-wide Interprofessional Education and Development course which involved over 700 students and 45 faculty from six different health professions from 2014-2021 and served as Assistant Director for the CU Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.   Since 2002, she has developed/taught/assessed interprofessional curriculum in values/ethics, teamwork/collaboration, and patient safety/quality improvement.

Joyce Maglione, Nursing Academy
Dr. Maglione is Associate Professor and Director of the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program at Seton Hall University College of Nursing. She has served on the executive board of the NJ College Health Association and Gamma Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International promoting evidence-based practice and nursing scholarship. Current service on multiple committees of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties informs innovative curricular activities such as virtual simulation and telehealth practices to her nurse practitioner students. With a heavy focus on clinical expertise, Dr. Maglione’s career transcends positions in acute and primary care, management, teaching, research, scholarship, and community service. A former certified critical care nurse and college health nurse, she currently practices as a certified adult nurse practitioner serving uninsured and underinsured diverse populations. She earned her BSN from Villanova University, MSN from Seton Hall University and PhD from New York University.

Lisa Marchand, Nursing Academy
Dr. Lisa Marchand, DNP, NP-C, is a family nurse practitioner who provides primary care across the lifespan in an outpatient ambulatory setting in Massachusetts. In this role she cares for individuals who are marginalized by race, racism, ethnicity, and immigration status. Dr. Marchand is an Assistant Clinical Professor and nurse practitioner Program Coodinator at the University of Massachusetts Lowell where she teaches a variety graduate courses and provides leadership within the MS program. Dr. Marchand is the current president and philanthropy chair of the university’s Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society chapter and an active member of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Marchand recently completed a NIH-funded Rapid Assessment of Diagnostics (RADx) grant with multidisciplinary colleagues, serving as the lead for all clinical aspects of the research, training of staff, oversight of sample collection, and community outreach for participants.

Terri Marin, Nursing Academy
As an accomplished academician and neonatal researcher, my work is internationally recognized through multiple peer-reviewed publications, and invited national and international presentations. The hallmark of my success is defined through collaborative interprofessional engagement among multiple health entities. Currently, I lead a multidisciplinary research team to evaluate and validate non-invasive methods to detect early neonatal kidney injury. My contributions to neonatal science garnered an invitation to the international Neonatal Kidney Collaborative expert panel as the only nurse representative, and am currently leading the development of a neonatal AKI Consensus Statement guiding global clinical practice. I am also the only nurse scientist ever invited to join the Southern Society of Pediatric Research, and to receive two awards for my contribution to neonatal research. For my exemplary work in neonatal science, practice and education, I was named Fellow of both the American Academy of Nursing and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Randee Masciola, Nursing Academy
Randee L. Masciola, DNP, APRN-CNP, WHNP-BC, FAANP, associate professor of clinical nursing at The Ohio State University, is the Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and maintains national certification as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. She is a former Board of Director for the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health. She is the current Chair of the Program Directors Special Interest group for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties and the Co-Chair for the Women’s Health Community for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). She serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs. She was recently awarded the Ohio March of Dimes 2020 Nurse of the Year Award for Academic Education and inducted as a Fellow in AANP in 2021. Her interprofessional scholarship focuses on policy regarding the role of DNPs on healthcare teams and sexual well-being.

Martin Matney, Athletic Training Academy
Martin “Marty” Matney has been an Athletic Trainer since 1983. He has over 25 year’s Physical therapy clinical experience and 11 years in industrial athletic training. He currently manages vocational health care education for North Idaho College. Matney has been a volunteer for the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) for over 30 years. This includes eight years with Reimbursement, many years with Governmental Affairs at state and national levels, NATA Political Action Committee and Chair of the Council on Practice Advancement. While leading this committee he championed groups dedicated to Public Health and IPE. He has publications highlighting the AT in interprofessional settings and has presented nationally and internationally on the Athletic Trainer, interprofessional practice and IPE. In industry, Marty created intervention practices with the AT as the front-line defense against occupational injury. Honors include State and District NATA Halls of Fame and the NATA Hall of Fame in 2018.

Philip McCallion, Social Work Academy
Philip McCallion PhD, Professor and Director of the School of Social Work within the College of Public Health at Temple University advances translational research and training on evidence-based interventions in health promotion, falls reduction, caregiver support, dementia management and service system redesign. McCallion is co-founder/co-principal investigator/co-applicant of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging, and co-investigator on studies of dementia in persons with Down syndrome. McCallion is Visiting/adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin, a John A Hartford Foundation Social Work Faculty Scholar/Mentor, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Gerontological Society of America. McCallion is National Consultant on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia for the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center. He has received over $45 million in grants and contracts and has over 250 publications.

Stephen McGhee, Nursing Academy
Dr. Stephen McGhee is an Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Student Success in the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. With over 35 years’ experience in both clinical and academic settings in healthcare, he holds current nursing licenses in the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2019 he was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing and became one of only a few British Fellows in the AAN. In 2021 he became a Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), and he is also an active member of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in the United Kingdom. Dr. McGhee served in the British Armed Forces Medical Services for over 25 years and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2019. Building on work done in his Jonas Policy Fellowship, his research focuses on healthcare accessibility for military and veterans.

Mark Merrick, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Merrick is Professor and Dean of the University of Toledo’s College of Health and Human Services where he fosters interprofessionalism among 37 programs in areas ranging from health care delivery and public health to criminal justice and paralegal studies. Through the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education, he joins other global thought leaders to set the direction for the future of health professions’ education. He is a Fellow of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and a former President of the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) where he helped create new accreditation standards focused on interprofessional practice and the IOM and IPEC Core Competencies. He was awarded the CAATE’s highest honor, the Pete Koehneke Award, in 2019. Formerly he was Founding Director of the Division of Athletic Training at The Ohio State University where he created one of the nations premier Athletic Training programs.

Donald (Doug) Miller, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy
Having published >200 high-impact papers and chapters in bio-medical sciences and health outcomes, Dr. Miller enjoys a global reputation as an expert cardiologist and academic health leader. He has been recognized as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor for >20 years. He has uniquely served as the Dean of three research-intensive medical schools in the U.S. and Canada, and as a member of two MD program national accrediting bodies. He led the design and implementation of an accelerated MD curriculum that helps optimize young physician career paths and secure physician workforce for medically underserved communities. Dr. Miller as advised several global health policy organization (i.e., UC Berkeley) and technology businesses (i.e., IBM Watson Health). He holds patens in new drug development, advanced medical imaging, and artificial intelligence. His global biotech incubator roles, invited lectures, and podcasts reflect his leading authority status on advanced technology applications in healthcare and health professions learning.

Rebecca Moote, Pharmacy Academy
Rebecca Moote, PharmD, MSc, BCPS, is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Texas (UT) at Austin College of Pharmacy who maintains an active practice as a clinical internal medicine pharmacist through an appointment with the Department of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio. She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2007 and her Master of Science degree and Pharmacotherapy Specialty Residency certificate in 2009. Interprofessional education (IPE) and practice are central to Dr. Moote’s career. She has created IPE curricula for orientations, simulations, and faculty development programs, received grant funding for innovative projects to strengthen interprofessional clinical learning environments, and published numerous IPE articles and book chapters. Dr. Moote serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice and as the IPE Scholarship Dissemination Coordinator for Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration—UT Health San Antonio’s Quality Enhancement Plan.

Stephanie Morgan, Nursing Academy
Dr. Morgan is a clinical professor at the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. She also holds the title of Director of Practice Innovation and Director of the Wellness Clinics. Stephanie is a nurse entrepreneur and her previous roles as business owner and in executive leadership has provided opportunities to create person-centered healthcare services with interdisciplinary teams in inpatient and outpatient settings. In her current role as faculty, Dr. Morgan teaches Foundations of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (FIPC) and has since its inception in 2016. Subsequently, she was trained in T3 Interprofessional Team Development (T3 ITDP) and participates in the University’s national T3 ITDP training. In 2019, Dr. Morgan was inducted to the inaugural class of Health IPE Fellows at the University. Dr. Morgan has created person-centered interprofessional practice environments in her two integrated primary care clinics that serve marginalized residents in the community.

Hope Morris, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Hope Morris-Baldridge is a speech-language pathologist clinician, educator, and researcher with specialization in pediatrics, early intervention, autism, and family-centered care. Professor Morris-Baldridge has engaged in interprofessional practice for more than 20 years and provided interprofessional education throughout her academic career. She is a Clinical Instructor in the Speech-Language Pathology graduate program in the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, educating students academically and clinically with a focus on interprofessional education. She was a Clinical Professor in the department of Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate program at the University of Vermont and maintains an active research relationship as an Adjunct Professor. She engages in collaborative research at UVM, focusing on parent-implemented narrative-based intervention to support theory of mind development in autistic children. Professor Morris-Baldridge has a passion for interprofessional education and supporting the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Amy Moy, Optometry Academy
Dr. Amy Moy is the Director of the Health Center Network of the New England College of Optometry (NECO), where she partners with health centers to make eye care accessible for all. As NECO’s certified Chief Compliance Officer, Dr. Moy leads quality assurance initiatives to ensure compliant patient care. She has had 19 years of experience in community health optometry and was the Director of Optometry at the Martha Eliot Health Center. Dr. Moy is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and actively serves in the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry. She was the principal investigator for the Boston Latino Eye Study, and has presented nationally on interprofessional care, optometric education, and infection control. She was a principal co-writer for the READ grant, which provided eyeglasses and social stories for children with disabilities. She has chaired committees on compliance, quality assurance, and NECO’s COVID response. In her free time, Dr. Moy spends time with her family, advocates for children with disabilities, and has written “The Polka-Dotted Penguin,” a children’s book about kindness and celebrating differences.

Larry Munger, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Larry Munger has worked in various athletic training settings ranging from collegiate and professional sports to rehabilitation clinics, as an educator in both undergrad and graduate programs for athletic training and physical therapy, and as an instructor for a post-professional education provider. Dr. Munger graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy degree with an emphasis in Human Movement/Higher Education from Texas Tech University in 2010. He earned his Master of Science in Sports Health Care from Arizona School of Health Sciences in 1997 and an undergraduate degree in Sports Science from the University of Kansas in 1995. In addition to being a certified and licensed athletic trainer, he is a fellow of applied functional science and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Dr. Munger is a lifetime learner with advanced training and certifications in interprofessional education, manual therapy, corrective exercise and rehabilitation, and movement screening techniques.

Dawn Mutchko, Nursing Academy
Dr. Dawn Mutchko is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in primary care and interventional cardiology. She is the Director of Quality, Heart and Vascular Institute, and the Organizational Lead Advanced Practice Provider for the AtlantiCare Health System in New Jersey. Mutchko is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Wilmington University and a lecturer for Rutgers University – Camden. She facilitates evidencebased practice (EBP) coursework and project design at both universities and serves as a project advisor at Wilmington. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in EBP and is nationally certified in EBP and executive leadership. Her passions are EBP, healthcare quality, advocacy, and communication. She is president of the Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice in New Jersey. In addition, she holds board positions with the New Jersey League for Nursing and the Advanced Practice Provider Executives, among other local, state, and national service and committee work.

Christopher O'Brien, Athletic Training Academy
Christopher O’Brien has been the inaugural Dean of Health Sciences at King’s College since 2017. He collaborates with 28 faculty in ten health sciences programs across six disciplines, including his development of innovative programs in nursing, nutrition, and occupational therapy. A credentialed Athletic Trainer, Dr. O’Brien is active in its professional organizations, particularly in the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, including chair of a national ad hoc committee and experienced peer reviewer, and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association as a district committee chair and future liaison to an external organization. Interprofessionally, he is a Fellow of the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions, co-chairing its Clinical Education Task Force and reviewing manuscripts for the interdisciplinary Journal of Allied Health. He regularly presents and publishes about clinical education across disciplines and relationships between academic programs and industry partners. He is actively involved in over $3.8 million in external grants.

Jamie Oliva, Nursing Academy
Jamie Oliva earned a BSN from SUNY College at Brockport in 1991, an MS degree from University of Rochester School of Nursing (URSON) and Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in 1998, and a Ph.D. in Health Practice Research from URSON in 2016. She is an ANCC board-certified ANP and Blood and Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse (BMTCN®) with over 30 years of nursing experience, including 18 years of caring for BMT patients. Her dissertation involved research in biomarker discovery in chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD), including acceptance into a genetics fellowship sponsored by NINR and Georgetown University during her doctoral studies. She was also awarded funding from several organizations in support of her dissertation work. Presently, she serves as Assistant Professor at URSON and Nurse Scientist at Wilmot Cancer Institute, contributing to the education of advanced practice nurse students and expanding her research program involving early recognition of cGVHD.

Kris Owen, Audiology Academy
My name is Kristine Owen (Kris). I am fortunate to work at University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center at Dallas.  UTSW provides various Audiology services to both children and adults. My role with adult patients allowed for participation with Epidemiology in a Gulf War Study.  Dr. Shoup provided an opportunity for me to work with newborns and she led a team of pediatricians, neonatologist, management staff, audiologists and volunteers to implement a Universal Newborn Hearing Screen program at Parkland.  Being part of a medical center and large birthing hospital allows for participation in research studies.  Different viewpoints offer valuable insight and each collaboration has provided opportunities to learn from others involved in the team.  My hope and goals are to always be present for my families, to hear and address their concerns and to work with other disciplines to provide comprehensive care resulting in best outcomes for our patients.   

Kimberly Peer, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Peer is a Full Professor at Kent State University. She holds a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration with a Cognate in Health Care Management and has over 30 years’ experience as a scholar-educator. Her professional reputation for interprofessional ethics education transcends disciplines including athletic training, sport neuropsychology, education, nursing, medicine, podiatry, and other health care professions. She has served each member of the Athletic Training Strategic Alliance through professional contributions including Editor-in Chief of the Athletic Training Education Journal, Committee on Professional Ethics, Standards Committee, and the OT, PT, AT Licensure Board engaging in adjudication and legislative processes. Kimberly has been lauded with high-ranking awards for her contributions to the profession, including but not limited to, NATA Fellow and Most Distinguished, OATA Hall of Fame, GLATA Outstanding Educator, and NATA Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator Award. Dr. Peer has presented and published extensively on the international and national levels.

Jeannette Pollatz, Nursing Academy
Dr. Jeannette Pollatz is an innovative nurse and operations leader with a business background committed to advancing interprofessional education and collaborative practices. She has diverse clinical experiences that include expertise in acute care/medical surgical nursing, ambulatory/emergency care, and community and rehabilitation care. She serves as Primary Nurse Planner for Continued Education (CE) credits since 2019, supporting the development of over 3,000 credits,180 Interprofessional Grand Rounds, and 100 online courses. She is a passionate patient and staff advocate throughout care transitions and the care continuum. She has earned her BS in Business Administration, an ADN, BSN, MSN, and a DNP in Healthcare Systems Leadership. She serves as adjunct faculty at Davenport University, supporting interprofessional learning platforms.   Dr. Pollatz’s s clinical, and research interests focus on interprofessional education, health literacy, and the implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction activities to support healthcare team members during stressful times.

Julia Ponder, Veterinary Medicine Academy
Julia Ponder is Associate Dean for External Partnerships and Engagement at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine, a faculty member with expertise in public health and conservation medicine, and former director of The Raptor Center. After 16 years in private practice, she returned to academia to pursue conservation medicine with a focus on health at the intersection of wildlife and humans. In addition to her wildlife work, Julia completed her Master’s in Public Health, which strengthened her focus on the One Health approach to shared health and wellness. She currently leads the college’s Community Medicine initiative, which is dedicated to advancing healthcare by improving access to veterinary care for underserved populations. This work is built on strong collaborations, cultural humility, and recognition of social determinants of health; currently working with colleagues in medicine, social work and nursing, the program looks to expand interprofessional opportunities for veterinary students.

Cathy Poon, Pharmacy Academy
Cathy Y. Poon, BS, PharmD, FPPA, FCPP is Barbara H. Korberly Professor of Women's Leadership and Health (tenured) and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, School of Health Professions, St. Joseph's University. Additionally, she is Adjunct Associate Professor at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Adjunct Clinical Professor at College of Medicine of Drexel University, and Adjunct Associate Professor at School of Nursing of University of Pennsylvania. She earned her Bachelor of Science degrees (Toxicology and Pharmacy) from St. John's University and Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Medical University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. For postgraduate training, she completed at PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at Medical University of South Carolina and PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Residency at University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. Dr. Poon's interests include neonatal and pediatric pharmacy practice as well as developing and delivering interprofessional education curricula and practice models.

Vincent Ramos, Nursing Academy
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, is Dean and Distinguished Professor of the Duke University School of Nursing, Vice Chancellor for Nursing Affairs, Duke University, and director of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health. Dr. Guilamo-Ramos is a nurse practitioner dually licensed in primary care and psychiatric-mental health nursing. His research examines the role of families in promoting adolescent and young adult health, with a focus on mitigating the mechanisms through which the social determinants of health shape health inequities. His research has been funded externally for two decades by the National Institutes of Health and various other agencies. Dr. Guilamo-Ramos serves as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, the HHS Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents, the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment, and on the boards of the Power to Decide, Latino Commission on AIDS, and HIV Medicine Association.

Stacy Remke, Social Work Academy
Stacy S. Remke, MSW, LICSW, APHSW-C is a Senior Clinical Teaching Specialist at the University of Minnesota’s School of Social Work, teaching health, disabilities, aging, and inter-professional collaborative practice. Her clinical experience includes 27 years as a pediatric palliative care social worker in hospital, home and community based settings. Stacy was a Co-Principle Investigator for the NCI funded curriculum development project, “EPEC-Pediatrics” and has taught the curriculum nationally and internationally. Stacy has contributed extensively to the multi-disciplinary knowledge base for the field of pediatric palliative care. She served on the as a faculty member for Center to Advance Palliative Care’s (CAPC) PCLC at Children’s Minnesota and served on the Board for Social Work in Hospice and Palliative Care Network (SWHPN) since 2013, most recently as Chair, 2021-2022. She is currently working to advance the practice of social work in hospice and palliative care, which are by definition inter-professional settings.

William Robiner, Psychology Academy
I obtained my Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Washington University in St. Louis and practice as a board-certified clinical health psychologist. I am a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics at the university of Minnesota Medical School, where I am Director of Health Psychology.  I have served in diverse roles, such as on the hospital’s Medical Executive Committee, co-chaired a mentoring program in the Division of General Internal Medicine, and chaired the Psychology Standards Committee for decades. My tenure as the Director of the psychology internship at the Medical School has been a calling as preparing future health professionals is an investment in enhancing the care of patients and communities.  I have broad research and professional interests including adherence, clinical trials, health psychology, supervision, mentoring, professional development, quality assessment, training and scope of practice, wellness, and the workforce of psychologists and other mental health professionals.

Heidi Rogers, Nursing Academy
Heidi Honegger Rogers, DNP, FNP C, APHN BC, is a family nurse practitioner, advanced practice holistic nurse and a clinician educator - associate professor at the University of New Mexico (UNM) College of Nursing. She is the Director of Interprofessional Education for the UNM Health Sciences Center and has developed experiential content around teamwork, collaboration, ethics, shared decision making, mindfulness health and well-being, and equity and inclusion and Planetary Health for HSC and UNM health professions students. She is a volunteer faculty in the UNM Arts in Medicine Program and has a secondary appointment with the UNM Sustainability Studies Program and the UNM College of Population Health. Nationally, she has been involved with the Lancet Countdown on Climate Change and Health. She is also working with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, the Planetary Health Alliance, and the American Holistic Nurses Association to bring a Planetary Health Lens into our work as nurses and health professionals. She has been on the board of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine since January 2022. Rogers received her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the University of Colorado in 2015, a Master of Science in Nursing degree (1997), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (1996) from the University of Pennsylvania and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities (1990) from the University of Colorado. Pronoun preferences: She/her/hers and the singular "they" for general use.

Lisa Rohrig, Nursing Academy
Lisa Rohrig has been the director of the Technology Learning Complex (clinical skills and simulation lab) at The Ohio State University College of Nursing for 14 years. As director, Lisa manages daily operations, staff, resources, and business processes of a highly productive and dynamic simulation center. She has presented on simulation topics at multiple local, state and national conferences as well as co-authored several publications. Lisa is founder and chair of the Excellence in Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Education (ECLIPSE) program committee.  ECLIPSE, an IPE simulation program, incorporates realistic simulations for 800+ students annually who represent 12 health and social science programs. Plans to expand ECLIPSE are also in progress. These simulations incorporate the Interprofessional Educational Collaborative competencies of teams/teamwork, communication, values/ethic and roles/responsibilities as well as TeamSTEPPS concepts for students.

Gina Rowe, Nursing Academy
Dr. Rowe is a clinical associate professor with 22 years of nursing and interprofessional education experience and a family nurse practitioner (FNP) with 15 years of practice in multiple settings, including school-based wellness centers, internal medicine, retail care, two federally qualified health centers, two hospital-affiliated community clinics, and a state-wide mobile clinic serving vulnerable populations. She is board-certified in Advanced Diabetes Management and has treated patients with cardiometabolic diseases in multiple low-resource settings. As a principal investigator, she has collaboratively led interprofessional teams in delivering care for complex patients with diabetes and other co-morbidities, co-designed interprofessional clinical experiences with other health professions faculty, and precepted interprofessional student teams in over 600 hours of team-based care. Published results indicate that patients with uncontrolled diabetes who receive team-based care experience significantly improved outcomes. In 2020, she and her colleagues were awarded the George E. Thibault MD Nexus Award celebrating exemplary interprofessional collaboration.

Daniela Rutner, Optometry Academy
Dr. Daniella Rutner is an Associate Clinical Professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry and the Chief of Vision Rehabilitation at the University Eye Center. She received her bachelor’s degree in education from Brooklyn College, CUNY and earned both her Doctor of Optometry and Masters of Vision Science degrees from SUNY College of Optometry in 2002. In 2022, Dr. Rutner received her Master in Business Administration in Healthcare Leadership from SUNY, Empire State College.   Dr. Rutner attained her fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) in 2004, the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) in 2007, and achieved her Diplomate in the American Board of Optometry in 2013. In 2018, Dr. Rutner received the Optometrist of the Year Award from the New York State Optometric Association. She has published over 20 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and continues to be involved in teaching, clinical care, as well as clinical research. Dr. Rutner has been a member of PEDIG for over five years.

Krista Salazar, Pharmacy Academy
Dr. Dominguez-Salazar is an Associate Professor at the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy. She has co-pioneered many learnercentered interprofessional academic programs and promotes critical thinking through active learning strategies. She has extensive training in motivational interviewing, relationship centered communication, de-escalation and developing active learning curricula in both academic and practice settings. She is a licensed advanced practice pharmacist with prescriptive authority who provides interprofessional team-based care. She serves patients experiencing homelessness, cooperating with them to manage their diabetes diagnosis. Many patients she works with have co-morbidities: mental health diagnosis, substance use disorder or recent incarceration release. Her deep appreciation for empathy in patient care translates into behavior change and desired outcomes as determined by patient. Her extensive skills for building strategies to intentionally imbed relationship centered learning activities is transferred into healthcare student clinical practice while working individually and in teams.

Brooke Salzman, Allopathic & Osteopathic Academy
Brooke Salzman MD is a Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and Division of Geriatric Medicine and Palliative Care. Dr. Salzman is the Associate Provost of Interprofessional Practice and Education and Co-Director of the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at Thomas Jefferson University. Her clinical practice is at the Jefferson Center for Healthy Aging. She provides primary care for older adults and is the Co-Medical Director for the Memory and Aging Program. She is passionate about improving healthcare for those with complex health and social needs through providing coordinated, team-based, comprehensive and compassionate care.

Meghan Savage, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Meghan Savage, PhD, CCC-SLP is an Associate Professor and Program Director for the MS-SLP program at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS), a graduate program healthcare institution. She serves on the Academic Leadership Council for the University and is a member of the Executive Board for the Academy of Neurological Communication Disorders and Sciences. Her scholarship interests are in the area of conversational assessments and treatment for individuals with aphasia, scholarship of teaching and learning, and interprofessional education.

Pamela Schnell, Optometry Academy
Dr. Pamela Schnell is a Professor at Southern College of Optometry, where she teaches the Ocular Motility and Vision Therapy courses, provides clinical care in Pediatrics and Vision Therapy, and supervises the Pediatric Optometry/Vision Therapy residency. Her areas of interest include infant/toddler care, visual development and therapy, sports vision, and special populations. Dr. Schnell has lectured extensively, including several courses in Israel, Mexico, South Africa, and Canada, and she has presented posters and workshops at the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) and College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) national meetings. She has also edited and contributed to five textbooks in the areas of pediatric eye care and vision therapy.  Dr. Schnell is honored to serve as Vice President for the Optometric Extension Program Foundation and as Managing Editor for Optometry & Visual Performance. She is a Fellow of AAO and serves as Communication Chair for its Optometric Education Section.  

Aaron Sebach, Nursing Academy
Dr. Aaron Sebach is nationally board certified as an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care and Family Nurse Practitioner (NP). In addition to his role as Dean of the College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences at Wilmington University in New Castle, Delaware, Dr. Sebach maintains an active clinical practice as a hospital medicine NP as well as with a mobile-integrated health (MIH) program. As a MIH NP, he works collaboratively with paramedics, fire departments, social workers, nurses, and community health workers to reduce inappropriate emergency department utilization and hospital re-admissions. Dr. Sebach led the first MIH team in Maryland to administer monoclonal antibodies in a patient’s residence, thereby increasing access to care for vulnerable homebound patients. He has presented widely nationally and internationally on MIH-related topics, co-authoring a review book for the community paramedic certification (CP-C) examination offered by the International Board of Specialty Certification.

Charles Shidlofsky, Optometry Academy
▸ Graduated 1988 from Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN; In practice for 32 years in the Plano Texas (Dallas area) ▸ Clinical Director/Practice Owner, Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas, Neuro-Developmental Eye Consultants and Sports Vision Institute of North Texas ▸ Adjunct Professor of Optometry at UH College of Optometry, UIWRSO College of Optometry, Western University College of Optometry and Southern College of Optometry ▸ Residency Director- Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas through Southern College of Optometry ▸ Clinical Director for Special Olympics Texas ▸ Consultative Optometry- Centre for Neuro Skills, Pate Rehabilitation, Encompass Health and others ▸ On Medical Staff: Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation-Frisco and Dallas ▸ Team Vision Coach/Eye doctor: Dallas Stars (NHL), FC Dallas (MLS) and Allen Americans (ECHL), Frisco Roughriders (Baseball AA) ▸ Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, Vice President ▸ International Sports Vision Association- Founder and President ▸ Frequent lecturer on the subjects of Vision testing and rehabilitation after a TBI/ABI. Sports Vision, Developmental Vision, myopia management, specialty contact lenses, Visual Snow syndrome and medical/allied medical co-management

Michele Simler, Speech-Language Pathology Academy
Michele “Shelly” Simler, Rehabilitation Agency Administrator and Rehabilitation Program Manager in Assisted Living - Independent Living settings for multiple locations for RISE Senior Living of HealthPROHeritage. Shelly is a Speech Language Pathologist and Leader in the Chicagoland area for 30+ years in acute and post-acute care settings. She serves as a volunteer leader and holds elected positions for ISHA (IL) and ASHA. Shelly is an advocate at state and national level for rehabilitation services and for those with communication disorders. Additionally, she has proven skills in interprofessional program development, regulatory and compliance. She received her B.A. from Elmhurst College and M.S. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.

C. Douglas Simmons, Occupational Therapy Academy
Dr. C. Douglas Simmons is Professor and Founding Director of the School of Occupational Therapy at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Dr. Simmons is a fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association, member of the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Dispute Board and past council member of the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education. He served as Vice President and Conference Chair of the New Hampshire Occupational Therapy Association. His research focuses on the use of virtual reality as a therapeutic modality for enhancing participation in everyday activities for individuals with cognitive and motor challenges. Dr. Simmons's primary clinical environment has been community-based practice, prevention and wellness with those experiencing challenges from brain injury, stress, anxiety, and depression. Dr. Simmons earned his PhD from Nova Southeastern University, his MS from the University of New Hampshire and his BS from State University of New York - Buffalo. 

Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow, Nursing Academy
Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN is Dean and Professor of Duquesne University School of Nursing and Vice Provost for Research. Dr. Glasgow previously served as Associate Dean for Nursing, Undergraduate Health Professions, and Continuing Education at Drexel University. A previous Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow, Dr. Glasgow is an innovator in nursing and health professions education introducing interprofessional education and simulation into the nursing, health professions, and medical curricula. Dr. Glasgow has served as a pioneer in technology infused education and led 85 national conferences/workshops nationally and internationally where she provided nurses and other health professionals with innovative, relevant continuing education. She is the co-author of four books including two AJN Books of the Year, 100 articles and numerous presentations. She served on Health Service Executive and National Nursing and Midwifery Quality-Care Metrics Project Team to develop quality metrics for the country of Ireland.

Jeffrey Sonsino, Optometry Academy
Jeffrey Sonsino, O.D., FAAO, is a partner in a high-end specialty contact lens and anterior segment practice in Nashville, Tennessee.  For over 11 years, he faculty at Vanderbilt University Medical Center's Eye Institute.  He is a Diplomate in the Cornea and Contact Lens Section of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO), past-chairman of the Contact Lens and Cornea Section of the American Optometric Association (AOA), founding emeritus board member of the Healthcare Alliance for Patient Safety, a fellow of the Scleral Lens Education Society, past-president of the Middle Tennessee Optometric Association, the 2017 Gas Permeable Lens Institute (GPLI) practitioner of the year, the 2017 AOA’s Advocate of the Year, the 2018 Tennessee Optometric Association’s Optometrist of the Year, and, most recently, was appointed chair of the Innovation Council of the American Academy of Optometry. He also co-founded and is the chief medical officer of myEyeris, a company founded to nurture the doctor-patient relationship for independent optometrists.

Maggie Sullivan, Nursing Academy
Maggie Sullivan is a family nurse practitioner at Boston Health Care for the Homeless (BHCHP) where she directs Oasis, their immigrant health clinic. She is an instructor with the FXB Center for Health & Human Rights at Harvard where she researches immigrant health and co-teaches an interprofessional course on homelessness and health. Maggie completed her Doctor of Public Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health where she received the Albert Schweitzer Award. Her dissertation focused on healthcare delivery for immigrants at community health centers. Maggie is a consultant with the Massachusetts League of Community Health Center’s farmworker health program and collaborator with Partners In Health. She conducts forensic asylum evaluations and launched a new asylum clinic at BHCHP. She received her B.A. from Barnard in religion and art history, a master's in nursing science at UCSF with a sub-specialty in women's health, and a fellowship in farmworker health.

LesLee Taylor, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. LesLee Taylor is vice-chair for the Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training and program director for the Master of Science in Athletic Training (AT) program at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She teaches in the AT program, co-teaches physical therapy and AT shared courses, and guest lectures in other healthcare disciplines. She has received multiple awards for teaching and service and served as President of the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education from 2017-2019. Dr. Taylor has over 20 years of experience in higher education and has developed two master’s degree programs in academic medical centers. She has practiced clinically in both the collegiate (NCAA Division I) and secondary school settings. Dr. Taylor remains involved in program development, specialty accreditation, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. She has degrees from the University of Kansas (BS), University of Arizona (MS), and Texas Tech University (PhD).

Kate Taylor, Nursing Academy
Dr. Kate Taylor is a certified family nurse practitioner with 24 years of experience in health care previously serving as an Army Nurse Corps officer and then, as a hospitalist, nurse practitioner. Currently, she serves as an assistant professor at the University of North Texas Health Science and clinical executive for SaferCare Texas, a patient safety organization. Dr. Taylor teaches an array of interprofessional learners within the university, locally, nationally and internationally. She works extensively with the Center of Older Adults House Calls program successfully implementing interprofessional team collaboration and a quality improvement innovation. Since Dr. Taylor’s systematic approach to manage patients, the House Calls program has doubled in size. Additionally, she revamped the advance care planning process increasing the institution’s billing by 400% from the period between 2019 to 2021. Lastly, she obtained the Certified Professional in Patient Safety credential demonstrating proficiency in the core standard of patient safety. Dr. Taylor desires to serve and be the voice for the underserved, vulnerable, and often forgotten, yet fastest growing population in the United States, the older adult.

Alice Teall, Nursing Academy
Alice M. Teall is an Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing, Director of Innovative Telehealth Services and Director of Graduate Wellness Academic Programming at Ohio State University.  She was a founding member of the College of Nursing’s team delivering online education, served as Director of the Family Nurse Practitioner program, and has presented nationally about distance education, clinician wellness, and telehealth competencies. Dr. Teall has received leadership, teaching and practice awards, including the University Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Award for Innovations in Professional Nursing Education. As a certified Nurse Practitioner and Integrative Nurse Coach, her areas of clinical expertise include primary care of at-risk youth and families, college health, and recovery from substance use disorder.  She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and co-editor/author of three books, including Evidence-Based Physical Examination: Best Practices for Health and Well-Being Assessment.

John Tegzes, Veterinary Medicine Academy
Dr. John Tegzes is a veterinarian with specialty certification in Toxicology (Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Toxicology). As Professor of Toxicology at Western University of Health Sciences, he is a founding faculty member in The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). Within the CVM he has served in several roles, notably as a Curriculum Director from 2004 to 2012. He then transitioned to his current role of Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) for a university-wide curricular program that includes students from nine health professions. He serves on several national committees that focus on IPE and on competency-based veterinary education (CBVE). He represents the veterinary profession on the Interprofessional Professionalism Collaborative, and on the Interprofessional Education Collaborative. He is the veterinary representative on the competency revision workgroup for the Interprofessional Education Competency Framework. Additionally, he serves on the Advocacy Group for Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) for the AAVMC.

Lori Teller, Veterinary Medicine Academy
Dr. Lori Teller received her DVM from Texas A&M University in 1990. She joined the Small Animal Clinical Sciences Department at TAMU as a Clinical Associate Professor in 2018 and teaches veterinary students in Primary Care Services.  She developed the veterinary telemedicine program at TAMU and has received funding to improve access to veterinary care in underserved communities.  Dr. Teller is the President-elect of the American Veterinary Medical Association.  She has written multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, two book chapters, serves as a guest editor for an international journal, and speaks at veterinary conferences nationally and internationally.  Dr. Teller is a Fellow at the TAMU Center for Health Designs. She has a monthly radio show and provides educational articles about veterinary care to the general public. She won the Visionary Award from Southwest Veterinary Symposium in 2019 and has received multiple President’s Awards from the Texas Veterinary Medical Association. 

Julie Tyler, Optometry Academy
Julie Tyler, O.D., FAAO received her doctorate from Indiana University School of Optometry.  Following graduation, Dr. Tyler completed residency training at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) College of Optometry prior to joining the faculty full-time.  In November 2019, Dr. Tyler joined the faculty at Southern California College of Optometry at MBKU.   Representing the college of optometry, Dr. Tyler is collaborating with interdisciplinary colleagues to enhance the Interprofessional clinic. Dr. Tyler has served in a variety of academic roles including chief of service and instructor of record for various coursework.  She has been promoted to Associate Professor and received teaching awards, as well as recognition as a faculty member of Gold Key.  In 2019, Dr. Tyler was inducted into Phi Kappa Phi honor society. In 2021, she became Primary Care Department Chair at SCCO.   Dr. Tyler is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and member of the American Optometric Association.

Tamara Valovich McLeod, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Tamara Valovich McLeod is Chair of the Department of Athletic Training, Professor of Athletic Training, Research Professor in the School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona, and the John P. Wood, D.O., Endowed Chair for Sports Medicine at A.T. Still University in Mesa, Arizona. She completed her PhD in education with an emphasis in sports medicine from the University of Virginia. She was the founding director of the Athletic Training Practice-Based Research Network and her research has focused on the pediatric athlete with respect to sport-related concussion. Dr. McLeod has been a contributing author for both NATA position statements on sport-related concussion, lead author on the statement for the prevention of pediatric overuse injuries, and senior author on the Appropriate Medical Care Standards. Dr. McLeod serves on the NFL Head, Neck, and Spine Committee, is a senior associate editor for the Journal of Athletic Training, and is an NATA Fellow.

Bonnie Van Lunen, Athletic Training Academy
Bonnie Van Lunen serves as the Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, overseeing 5 Schools in the health professions. She also serves as the Interim Dean for the ONE School of Public Health Initiative. She has served Old Dominion University for 2 years in various educational and administrative capacities. She is a prolific researcher, recognized educator, and advocate for students. She was a State Council for Higher Education of Virginia Outstanding Faculty award nominee for two years, received national awards as a distinguished educator and athletic trainer, and is a research fellow of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. She holds a Ph.D. in sports medicine from the University of Virginia.

Jillian Wallen, Dentistry Academy
Jillian Alexandra Wallen BDS MS is the 19th Dean of the Creighton University School of Dentistry. Appointed in 2021 by Provost Mardell Wilson and Father Daniel Hendrickson to lead the School of Dentistry, Dr. Wallen is committed to educating the next generation of oral health professionals to be compassionate, competent and interprofessional in their approach to the provision of excellent dental care. Dr. Wallen received her dental degree from the University of Glasgow Dental Hospital and School in 2000, and completed her specialty certificate in Pediatric Dentistry and Masters degree from The Ohio State University/Nationwide Children’s Hospital in 2002. Prior to assuming the deanship at Creighton, Dr. Wallen held teaching appointments at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Campus, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 

Karlita L. Warren, Athletic Training Academy
Dr. Karlita L. Warren, a BOC certified athletic trainer, received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Athletic Training from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. She is the Founder and CEO of The Kizo Effect, LLC., a health conscious organization focused on health consumer empowerment and increasing access to quality healthcare for all through a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. Dr. Warren also serves as Assistant Program Director and Professor of Practice in the Master of Science in Community Medicine program at Keck Graduate Institute. She volunteers on several local and national professional committees. Dr. Warren’s research interests include traumatic brain injuries; racial and ethnic health and healthcare disparities; microaggressions in healthcare; and underrepresented minority enrollment and retention in athletic training education and the athletic training profession. Dr. Warren’s life motto is: “Courage speaks, fear retreats!”

Zachary Weber, Pharmacy Academy
Zachary A. Weber, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDCES, FASHP is the Director of Interprofessional Education and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice for Purdue University College of Pharmacy, and the Assistant Dean for Education for the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE Center). At the College, he implemented and oversees the required, longitudinal IPE curriculum for Doctor of Pharmacy students, and at the IU IPE Center he oversees and manages educational content and delivery of the Indiana statewide IPE curriculum. Dr. Weber has received the College’s Faculty Preceptor of the Year and Outstanding Teacher of the Year awards. He has received the Class of 1922 Outstanding Innovation in Helping Students Learn Award, been selected as a Fellow in the Purdue University Teaching Academy, received the Award for Institutional Excellence and Innovation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Care from Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASAHP), and the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Award from American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).

Susan Wenker, Physical Therapy Academy
Susan Wenker, PT, PhD, GCS-Emeritus is the Director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at UW-Madison and an Assistant Professor (CHS) in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.  She earned her BS at UW-La Crosse and her Masters and PhD degrees at UW-Madison through the School of Education. She is actively involved in the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)-Geriatrics and teaches in the University of Wisconsin-Madison DPT program along with multiple interprofessional opportunities at the local and national level. She has worked interprofessionally with clinicians and academicians and is currently involved in co-creating educational materials for interprofessional health profession students while collaborating with the UW-Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. Dr. Wenker has demonstrated effective leadership skills at the local, regional, and national levels.

Nancy White, Physical Therapy Academy
Nancy White is president of Arlington Free Clinic, a nonprofit organization that provides free health care to low-income, uninsured adults through the generosity of volunteers and donors. As president, Dr. White leads a multi-disciplinary patient-centered medical home for a population of over 1600 ethnically diverse, low-income, uninsured individuals struggling with chronic health conditions, life-threatening illnesses, and social factors that impact their health. In this clinic, 45 employees and over 500 volunteers provide primary and specialty care, mental health, physical therapy, pharmacy, dental, podiatry, and optometry with audiology services to begin in late 2022. Dr. White received a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Marymount University, a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Alabama Birmingham, and a Bachelor of Science from Auburn University. Prior to joining Arlington Free Clinic, she practiced physical therapy and served as an executive vice president of the American Physical Therapy Association.

April Wiechmann, Psychology Academy
Dr. April Wiechmann serves as the Medical Director for Integrated Behavioral Health at UNTHSC as well as the Clinical Medical Director for Geri-Psych. Her background as a psychologist and fellowship training in Neuropsychology allows her to work in interdisciplinary teams with geriatric physicians, neurologist, psychiatrists, social work, and pharmacists. Her synergistic approach care has been leveraged by her faculty peers and university leadership. She currently serves as the Past President of the Faculty Senate, Promotion and Tenure Committee, presidential search committee, and UNT system mental health task force. She also serves as an advisor to over 100 osteopathic medical students, teaches medical students in years 1 and 2 and supervises medical students in year 4 along psychiatry residents.

Stephanie Williams, Audiology Academy
Stephanie Williams is the lead pediatric audiologist at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and her doctorate of audiology degree from the University of Texas at Dallas. Her clinical focus is children from birth to 7 years old and older children with multiple disabilities. Her wider responsibilities include collaborating with other professionals to facilitate patient care, referrals, educational accommodations, and family support. Prior to joining the Callier Center, she worked for 5 years as the head of Allied Health and Director of Audiology at a rural hospital in Kenya where she established an Otolaryngology/Audiology clinic as well as forming an interprofessional team to open the country’s first multidisciplinary clinic for children with developmental disabilities. She is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology and a serves as a subject matter expert in pediatric audiology for the American Board of Audiology.

Kathleen Wilson, Nursing Academy
Dr. Wilson is dually certified as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP) and a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP – BC) where she practices full time in a regional endocrinology service with board-certification in advanced diabetes management. Additionally, she continues to teach DNP students @ Walden University School of Nursing.  Over four decades as an APRN, she has held positions in practice, nurse practitioner education, research, administration, along with extensive experience in chronic disease prevention, health promotion, interprofessional collaboration, and community program development. Inducted as a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP) in 2016, she serves on the FAANP History Committee and Mentoring Program. She currently serves as AANP State (North Florida) Liaison role, and as the Region 1 Director for the Florida Nurse Practitioner Network (FNPN.  In July 2020, she was one of four (4) APRN’s appointed by the Florida Board of Nursing to the Autonomous APRN Practice Council. 

Nicole Winston, Pharmacy Academy
After earning a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I pursued a career in academia, first as a founding faculty member at Marshall University School of Pharmacy in Huntington, West Virginia and now as the Assistant Dean for Curriculum at Augusta University’s Medical College of Georgia (MCG). Currently, I have provided leadership and coordination of the curriculum redesign and created interprofessional partnerships among healthcare disciplines. These interprofessional opportunities include geriatrics workshops, a series of high-fidelity simulations, and values and ethics sessions. By investing myself in education research, I have collaborated with faculty across several disciplines to explore not only the impact of IPE on student development, but also how this influences professional identity formation (PIF). We have been honored with awards from from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), and the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Kerry Witherall, Audiology Academy
Kerry Witherell, AuD, CCC-A is the Director of Clinical Programs in Audiology in the Department of Speech Language Hearing Sciences at the University of Minnesota (UMN). She earned her Doctor of Audiology degree from the University of Washington in 2007. Prior to joining the UMN, she worked as part of a Cochlear Implant team in Seattle, WA. Her current teaching interests include Rehabilitative Audiology and Professional Issues/Counseling in Audiology. She participates in the MN LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) Program. She is an integral member of the UMN’s Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Team. She developed audiology services at the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic (PNC). The PNC is a free clinic operated by UMN’s health professional students, whose mission is to provide accessible, comprehensive, patient-centered health services to patients with unmet needs. She serves on numerous professional audiology Committees and Boards on the State level.

Allen Wong, Dentistry Academy
Dr. Wong received his dental education at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and completed both his Advanced Clinical Experience and Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residencies from his alma mater. He has fellowships in American Academy of Hospital Dentistry, American College of Dentists, International College of Dentist, Pierre Fauchard Academy, Academy of Dentistry International and the Santa Fe Group. He is a diplomate in the American Board of Special Care Dentistry and earned his educational doctorate in Professional Education and Leadership (EdD). Dr. Allen Wong has taught postdoctoral general dentistry for over 35 years in AEGD programs (Pacific and University California San Francisco) and is the director of Pacific's AEGD/Hospital Dentistry Program.  He has lectured nationally and internationally in the areas of special care dentistry, rotary endodontics, implant restorations, and minimally invasive dentistry.  He is active with Special Olympics Special Smiles program (Global Clinical Advisor), Immediate Past President American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) and Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA) Vice President. Past president CAMBRA Coalition (Caries Management By Risk Assessment), Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Fraternity (Delta Delta Chapter) Past president. California Dental Association Foundation Board of Director, Secretary. San Francisco Dental Society Dental Health Committee Chairman.

Yu-Wei (Tony) Yang, Nursing Academy
Y. Tony Yang is the Endowed Professor (with tenure) in Health Policy at the George Washington University School of Nursing. He is also the Executive Director of the Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement. His scholarship explores the effects of law and policy on health care delivery and population health outcomes. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an FDA Regulatory Science Fellow, and a CDC-National Center of Health Statistics Health Policy Fellow. He has authored more than 140 peer-reviewed articles. His first-authored work has appeared in leading journals, including NEJM, JAMA, and Health Affairs. The impact of his scholarship is observable in media coverage on outlets such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Her has been awarded more than $3.5 million in U.S. federal grants as principal investigator and has been supported by various foundation funders as well.

Jasmine Yumori, Optometry Academy
Dr. Jasmine Yumori is an award-winning Associate Professor at Western University of Health Sciences with a joint appointment in the College of Optometry and IPE Department, where she annually teaches more than 750 students across 8 programs. Dr. Yumori is currently Chair of the IPECP ASCO SIG and Member of the ASCO IPRF Committee, Nexus ICE Review Committee, and AIHC Leadership Working Group. She also serves as a Reviewer for the JIEP, Nexus Summit, CAB, and SECO and is an AAO Faculty Liaison and ACOE Consultant. Dr. Yumori received her bachelor’s degrees with honors in biology and psychology at UC Berkeley, is an honors graduate of the UC Berkeley School of Optometry, completed a residency at the West Los Angeles VA Health Care Center, earned her fellowship from the American Academy of Optometry, and is pursuing her Diplomate in Optometric Education through the American Academy of Optometry.

Jennifer Zolman, Optometry Academy
Dr. Jennifer Zolman is a 2006 Nova Optometry graduate and COVD fellow. She is the owner of the Draisin Vision Group. She serves as board director of COVD and a Past-President of the South Carolina Optometric Physicians Association (SCOPA). She is committed to mentoring student doctors and residents. She is Chair of the AOA’s InfantSEE and Children’s Vision Committee. Honors include: SCOPA’s Optometrist of the Year 2021, 2020 Special Olympics Golisono Health Leadership Award, Women in Optometry’s Theia Excellence Award in Leadership in 2019, 2020 Coopervision’s Best Practices, Charleston’s Mom’s Choice Award 2019- 2022, The Southern Council’s Young Optometrist of the South in 2013, Nova College of Optometry’s 2017 Distinguished Alumni, SCOPA’s Distinguished Service Award in 2009, Vision Monday’s 2015 Most Influential Woman in Optical. Outside of professional duties, Dr. Zolman loves on her family of 6, enjoys trips to the beach, camping adventures, kayaking, photography, leadership books and podcasts, and watching College Football.